ios 15 beta safari video player is not working

after upgrading to ios 15 beta 5 whenever I play youtube videos in safari black screen appears with audio


Hello. Go to Settings. Click on Safari. Scroll down to Advanced. Scroll to Experimental Features. Turn off GPU Process: Media and GPU Process: Capture. Close the Safari App and open it again and you should be able to see your videos without the dark screen. You’re welcome.

  • It works! Thank you so, so much!

  • I had the same issue with iOS 15.0.2 on an iPhone 11 Pro when visiting a specific NSFW website. Turning GPU Process: Media off and force-closing Safari did the job for me. Thank you

  • This problem persists in iOS 15.1 and the described fix with the experimental features only works for Safari. Doesn’t do anything for Chrome and other apps for browsing the web. When will Apple actually fix this issue that started with iOS 15?

Funciona ☺️

Hello. Go to Settings. Click on Safari. Scroll down to Advanced. Scroll to Experimental Features. Turn off GPU Process: Media and GPU Process: Capture. Close the Safari App and open it again and you should be able to see your videos without the dark screen. You’re welcome.

u/Remiuraje is a freaking hero!

It seems like Apple fixed the problem eventually (don’t remember exactly with what version of iOS 15) but apparently it has returned again with iOS 15.4 (and 15.4.1) for some older devices. That means I don’t have this issue on my iPhone 12 Pro or my iPad Air 2, but the problem has returned on my old iPhone 7. The available Experimental WebKit Features have changed slightly, and does not include those two settings in particular that would previously fix the problem, albeit they only fixed it when using Safari and not for third party browsers. Are there any potential fixes to this among the experimental features that are currently available in 15.4 and 15.4.1 or will online videos simply not work on some devices in the future, even though they are clearly supported by the latest iOS version?

  • I’m getting the issue of black screen on IPhone 12 pro too after updating to 15.4.1 and don’t see the any of these GPU media or capture in safari experimental features. Please fix this issue.

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