Can no longer detect 2nd display in MacOS Monterey

Since the last update (21A5534d), my MacBook doesn't detect my 2nd display. I've tried swapping the display with a new one and trying different connection methods. My MacBook's built-in display goes black for a moment when I attach the cable, but nothing else happens.

I seem to remember that the System Preferences > Displays used to have an option for manually detecting a display, but it doesn't appear to be there any more.

I hope I'm not the only person experiencing this.

I have the exact same issue, but with iMac

I have this issue as well. I have 2 external displays, both LG high-end IPS, high-refresh displays. They were working fine yesterday. Came into my office this morning, and now only my 27" monitor in portrait mode will be detected. Absolutely 0 changes to the configuration from the day before. I've They're both connected to their own dedicated USB-C port on the MacBook Pro. I've tried restarting several times, I've tried resetting SMC and PRAM and the usual swapping cables around with the display that IS detected, nothing works. The monitor still works fine and is detected by my PC without issue. I'm sort of done with Apple at this point. I've had SO MANY issues getting all my devices to consistently work on my 2019 MacBook Pro. I'm just over it, the old adage "it just works" is no longer true with Apple computers which was the whole reason we used them. If I wanted to debug issues every day I'll just use Windows.

same exact issue, cannot detect any secondary display connected through thunderbolt, Monterey is garbage

Same problem since yesterday

Same issue as soon as I updated my 2019 MacBook Pro to Monterey. I have two external monitors, both worked fine till this update now only one seems to register.

Can't find anyway of bringing up the "Detect Displays" hidden option in "Displays" preferences either.

I also have the same issue on an iMac since the update. Has anyone found a solution yet or are apple working on one?

SAME - this is total fascism. I do not want to spend my life serving a technocracy that makes us slaves to it

Same issue just started happening to me. External monitor was working great over usb-c. Did a restart and now it won't find it - tried all three USB ports on my MBP 14", sleeping, restarting, etc.

Additionally the USB dongle that was connected to the monitor via the same USB-C cable to the Mac has stopped working so I don't have my mouse anymore.

I have the exact same issue. I am a photographer and my livelihood depends on my editing which I do on the external monitor. Now suddenly after the update I can no longer use my external monitor. This makes me switch to windows right away. This is purely a case of cheating.

Same issue after Monterey upgrade - connecting external monitor through a hub, doesn't auto detect but laptop screen flashes on and off occasionally. Option key no longer available through display settings - which by the way was always a bit weird that you had to press option to display the gather monitors button. Pretty basic function to be able to connect an external monitor - do they not test this stuff!

Ugh, I just updated my MacBook Pro from 2015. I've never connected a display before, so thought maybe it was a me-problem. What a pain. Was going to buy one of the new ones soon, but yea that's definitely not gonna happen if this is a known problem in the new updates.

I have the same exact issue too. The button for manually detecting an external display in the display settings window doesn’t appear when I hold down the option key. I tried connecting the same HDMI cable and monitor to another MacBook Pro with Monterey and the second display worked. I also tried putting my iMac to sleep and waking it up. I also disconnected and reconnected the HDMI cable while my iMac was powered up. I also reset the NVRAM and PRAM on my iMac, but still no good. I tried entering safe mode on my iMac, still no good. None of the methods suggested on YouTube or online seem to work. Finally, I downgraded to OS X Mavericks and the second monitor did work on my iMac. This proves that it’s not a hardware issue with my iMac and must be a driver issue. Monterey is trash!

I updated my MacBook Pro 2015 model to Monterey last week and the external monitor was working for some days. Today when I disconnected and connected again it stopped recognizing the external display at all. All the tips of making the Detect Display button visible by holding OPT button does not work.

I have tried restarting the Mac, logging out, changing the port, external display detection not working for me anymore. This is a serious failure for my productivity.

Same issues here. After a couple of weeks with Monterey, my 2nd monitor will not work. Everything else on the hub works. Every other port has been tried and the monitor connected directly. Nothing works. And, holding down OPTION to toggle the "detect external monitors" button is also not available since Monterey.

POSSIBLE WORKAROUND is to remove the power cord to the monitor and plug it in again, whilst still connected to the Mac. Standby on/off cycling doesn't work.

I'm new to Mac, having used Windows since 1989! Funny as the only problem I've ever noticed in forums on Mac is how they have problems detecting external displays, so I guess I'm not surprised it's happened.


I just upgraded to Monterey and lost use of my second screen. Tried everything said here as well as in Apple support. On a whim, while in the display settings I dragged the uncooperative screen to the left side and it works! At least I can move my mouse back and forth and the dock moved left. Windows open using either screen now. The only thing is that I didn't have the same picture so went back to select it. I'm really hoping it will continue to work this way.

Thanks @balFalcon! I’ve just unplugged the connection cable and reboot my MacBook. After it’s done, I plugged it back and it can detect automatically.

One more with this issue-- my HP monitor suddenly doesn't work with Monterey, and the Detect Displays button doesn't appear in Preferences>Displays when I press or hold Option. If holding option to get the Detect Displays button was removed for Monterey, they should have removed it from the Monterey macOS User Guide as well; it's still active, according to the ? button.

Several responses below suggest to power off and on your external monitor (whilst still plugged in to the Mac). Worked for me, but not guaranteed...

I have the same issue with my MacBook 13' and my LG 27' monitor! I am on Monterey and my MacBook is not recognizing the external display at all. Can anyone from @apple answer us please!!!

Same here. Only it is intermittent. 1 time out of 10 it actually connects. The screen sees something as it auto-selects the correct HDMI port, then it all goes black.

So frustrating ... same issue after upgrading to Monterey ... this seems like a major mistake? @apple?

Really frustrating @apple -- external monitors do not connect consistently or at all at times.

Well, personally "I hope you are the only person experiencing this" :-) But clearly no.

The displays control panel... It's wrecked. Not only is the detect-displays button just completely gone ("who needs this?" -Apple Intern) but go ahead once you manage to get the displays working and try to arrange them. Variously the Arrange panel, which I think has been flawless since Mac OS 6 ... Doesn't register your mouse clicks and if it does it may half-draw the screens. I quit and relaunched system preferences several times to no avail to try to make this basic part of the system work again. For years Apple was way ahead of microsoft on display management... and now we're back to the stone age.

Thanks for the suggestion on unplugging the monitor. No dice. Randomly I can get it working. It's likely timing related, but the code at this point is completely unstable.

I've got the same with a 2020 MBP M1 and Samsung external monitor. I've fixed it by unplugging all cables from Mac and rebooting screen and Mac. By which i mean... not just turn off the screen with the button on the screen, but really pull the plug out of the wall. then reboot mac, then plug in screen power, let screen come on and plug into Mac. Some posters on other sites are saying that you have to use mac power supply for the mac... but I always have that and my external screen is also plugged into mains power. Good luck...

Can no longer detect 2nd display in MacOS Monterey