My system Data takes 71Gb

pls what’s going and how can i resolve this mess

  • Mine is stuck at 21.54 gigabytes. It has been this way since 15.4 . I’ve contacted Apple Support and I was told this is an ongoing issue and there is NO fix . I’m very annoyed because I’m constantly having to delete photos and my business is all on my phone because I do not have an iPad for Procreate. I can’t have any music downloaded . Very close to retiring from Apple and switching to Samsung !!!!!

  • I guess they really don't have a solution for it yet. having the iPhone useless every now and then is more than annoying and as you said it is time to switch, apple is now what is used to be and the iphone is not the same

  • Mine is taking up 120 gigs. What do I do?

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Accepted Reply

Did you purge all caches, notably in Safari ?

Get details here on how to do:

h t t p s : / / w w

Post marked as downvoted Up vote reply of Claude31 Down vote reply of Claude31
Post marked as solved
  • This site will help you better.. : [

  • Do You really think safari is consuming this amount of data?

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Did you purge all caches, notably in Safari ?

Get details here on how to do:

h t t p s : / / w w

Post marked as downvoted Up vote reply of Claude31 Down vote reply of Claude31
Post marked as solved
  • This site will help you better.. : [

  • Do You really think safari is consuming this amount of data?

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it is greyed out

Try to go to General settings > Safari > Clear history (at the very bottom of the page)

  • I just cleared the safari website data, the system data sits at 82Gb … it has spiked from the 71Gb as at this morning

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i got it resolved guys i upgraded my ios and my system data is empty

I appreciate your assistance, Thank you

  • And if your clear history and data is greyed out

    put of your content restriction in screen time it turns blue immediately

  • Thanks for feedback. Hope it will not grow again unreasonably in the future. That could be worth a discussion with Apple Support. Good continuation.

  • i got it resolved guys i upgraded my iOS it seems to be a known issue of iOS 15.0. About iOS 15 Updates page shows that in iOS 15.0.1, the issue Settings app may incorrectly display an alert that storage is full was fixed. You should better take enough time before marking an answer as SOLUTION. Many readers expect the marked answer would describe the right solution.

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Having the same problem and tried everything, except of reinstalling the phone. What brought some relief, was connecting the phone to the Mac via cable. It appears now, that my pictures are consuming now much less space and system data went up. In sum, it was nevertheless significantly less. Like from 2GB free to now 36GB free space.

The idea to delete Safari history/cache is from my point of view total mockery. How can Safari ever consume data in the range of 50GB and more? Don't get me wrong, but if I read something from "delete your browser cache" I stop reading.

  • Right how can safari catches consume that much of space? the big question is: why my photos size is growing up while the number is still the same? something went wrong somewhere and they still can't catch it, the software is not able to read the real size of data on the device, sometimes when I check it I see the size running between 47.17 to 81.3 and that's rally funny

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Update to iOS 15.5 reduced System Data down to 10.5GB

One day later at 16.6GB

  • Yeah basically all my memory is taken up by this. I’m guessing that, for me, it’s for some reason hanging on to deleted podcasts. Because those are the only files I’ve ever had in that quantity, and they were recently deleted.

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please how can i clear this. I’ve tried everything possible

please how can I clear this?

I got to over 45gb of system data, I ended up deleting apps to make space until I was down to the essentials I use every day. Had to backup and wipe the phone. In the last week I was gaining about a gb every other day. Seems like an Apple problem and until they fix it we’re just going to have to wipe our phones when it gets to unmanageable levels.

this issue is making my iphone unusable. Ive complete wiped my phone 3 times over the last year and it just keeps coming back.

Maybe this will help someone - I had the same issue with System Data being over 50Gb on my iPad. And the culprit was actually a messaging app, Telegram, that had no limits set for storing media. It was so much clogged that I was unable to clear cache in-app, it would get stuck estimating the size.

In short, I have uninstalled the app, restarted iPad, installed the app and set the storage limits (cache was empty after uninstall). Then went into iPad storage options and was able to see how System Data is gradually decreasing from over 50Gb to around 10Gb.

So, if anyone is having similar issue it is probably some rogue/broken app that fills System Data with trash.

  • Thanks for your post. I had the same issue on iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 16.3.1. I went with the app issue concept you did and the app that was my issue was the default Apple Podcast app. I noticed that deleting saved podcasts was buggy, for example the podcast app had an unusual high amount of storage and deleting the downloads was not responding or responding sporadically.i deleted the app and all the system data storage went down from 120gb to 20gb. I will keep an eye on it from now on.

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I’m still having this problem and nothing anything has said here has worked. I purged safari, I’ve gotten rid of apps I don’t need anymore, I’m fully updated, and it’s barely put a dent in the system data storage. I’m sitting at 25 GB. I have absolutely no idea would the issue could be.

I’m sick and tired of all this shit, nothing working for me, system data stuck at 48gb whilst my storage is 64gb

  • I believe it's has to do with a bug or error in IOS 15 and the guys there still not able to locate it

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