My system Data takes 71Gb

pls what’s going and how can i resolve this mess

Answered by Claude31 in 691514022

Did you purge all caches, notably in Safari ?

Get details here on how to do:

h t t p s : / / w w

Accepted Answer

Did you purge all caches, notably in Safari ?

Get details here on how to do:

h t t p s : / / w w

it is greyed out

Try to go to General settings > Safari > Clear history (at the very bottom of the page)

i got it resolved guys i upgraded my ios and my system data is empty

I appreciate your assistance, Thank you


Having the same problem and tried everything, except of reinstalling the phone. What brought some relief, was connecting the phone to the Mac via cable. It appears now, that my pictures are consuming now much less space and system data went up. In sum, it was nevertheless significantly less. Like from 2GB free to now 36GB free space.

The idea to delete Safari history/cache is from my point of view total mockery. How can Safari ever consume data in the range of 50GB and more? Don't get me wrong, but if I read something from "delete your browser cache" I stop reading.

Update to iOS 15.5 reduced System Data down to 10.5GB

One day later at 16.6GB

please how can i clear this. I’ve tried everything possible

please how can I clear this?

I got to over 45gb of system data, I ended up deleting apps to make space until I was down to the essentials I use every day. Had to backup and wipe the phone. In the last week I was gaining about a gb every other day. Seems like an Apple problem and until they fix it we’re just going to have to wipe our phones when it gets to unmanageable levels.

this issue is making my iphone unusable. Ive complete wiped my phone 3 times over the last year and it just keeps coming back.

Maybe this will help someone - I had the same issue with System Data being over 50Gb on my iPad. And the culprit was actually a messaging app, Telegram, that had no limits set for storing media. It was so much clogged that I was unable to clear cache in-app, it would get stuck estimating the size.

In short, I have uninstalled the app, restarted iPad, installed the app and set the storage limits (cache was empty after uninstall). Then went into iPad storage options and was able to see how System Data is gradually decreasing from over 50Gb to around 10Gb.

So, if anyone is having similar issue it is probably some rogue/broken app that fills System Data with trash.

I’m still having this problem and nothing anything has said here has worked. I purged safari, I’ve gotten rid of apps I don’t need anymore, I’m fully updated, and it’s barely put a dent in the system data storage. I’m sitting at 25 GB. I have absolutely no idea would the issue could be.

I’m sick and tired of all this shit, nothing working for me, system data stuck at 48gb whilst my storage is 64gb

I've had this problem for so long, through different IOS versions. The only solution I've found is just what others have said - wipe the phone. I'm using an iPhone 7 and its struggling already, but the fact that my system takes 23gb out of 32 makes it worse. Every time I try to delete something the space is free for a few hours or a day then my system eats it right back up. I'm getting really sick of this, my phone is literally unusable because my storage is so full (i.e. I can't send or receive texts, calling only works half the time, my apps are all invisible, they all crash, my wifi, data, and bluetooth barely work, boot loops happen all the time, all of my notes get deleted, and the list goes on and on). So basically if someone finds a solution other than the nuclear option I would be very appreciative.

Mine is stuck at 21.54 gigabytes. It has been this way since 15.4 . I’ve contacted Apple Support and I was told this is an ongoing issue and there is NO fix . I’m very annoyed because I’m constantly having to delete photos and my business is all on my phone because I do not have an iPad for Procreate. I can’t have any music downloaded . Very close to retiring from Apple and switching to Samsung !!!!!

I FOUND AN EASY QUICK FIX! Simply try restarting your phone. I have an iPhone 11 pro 64gb and dumb "System data" was taking up 25gb of storage. After a reboot it dropped all the way down to 8gb!! Don't worry about having to restore your phone or delete every app on your phone. Try this first since it's so simple!

My iPhone XR (256GB) was showing approximately 230GB of System Data. Tried everything but nothing helped. Finally I decided to take the plunge and installed iOS 16 beta. After installing iOS 16, System Data went from 230GB to 26GB.

this was never a problem for me until I just got the 14 pro max. All of a sudden, my system data is maxing out. I've deleted messages, apps I don't use, done two erase/restore with iCloud backups and the same thing is happening every time. it just grows right back to max out my space.

[ )

I switch from an iPhone X to an iPhone 13 and the other system data fill the storage between two or more hours.

I found many answers about that in two other posts:

To solve this problem, I try:

  • Load the iPhone X backup on another iPhone (the storage was smaller, but I don't observe the problem, the backup is safe).
  • Clean installation of iOS 15.7, the storage was still filling, so I upgrade to iOS 16.0 but it didn't change anything.
  • Disconnect and reconnect the iCloud account.
  • From Photos, I switch the setting Optimise iPhone Storage to Download and Keep Originals, keep my iPhone unlocked in Photos and download all.
  • Empty the cache of all applications.

I try to retrieve some logs and the only one is a crash of an iCloud process. Downloading all the photos limited the time needed before the storage was full, but didn't stop the disk from filling. The problem seems to occur when the iCloud account is connected, and when photos or files are synchronise. In my case, a reboot frees the other system data. An option to limit the cache and preserve the system would be a good idea.

If you want to consult the crash :

I'm facing the same issue it started with my photo app growing up in space aside with system data. tried every thing and got in touch with apple support but all they do is simple things that I did many times but the problem still the same. I'm using iPhone 13 pro, IOS 16.0.2 I guess it is a problem caused by IOS 15 and they still can't fix it. Now I can't backup my device to a PC or Mac, can't move my photos to icloud of any other storage service. Every night i plug the device to a power source i woke up in the morning and find a message on the screen saying the storage is full. Apple support guys keep saying it is a simple thing and can be fixed easy and quick but they couldn't solve it yet

I guess they really don't have a solution for it yet. having the iPhone useless every now and then is more than annoying and as you said it is time to switch, apple is now what is used to be and the iphone is not the same

I have an iPhone 11 and an iPhone 13 mini with identical configuration and iOS 16.0.2 on both. On the 13 mini the system data grows to max, but on the 11 the system data stays at a stable level. The 13 mini is on 5G the 11 is on 4G. Fortunately, for me, a power off/on reset of the 13 mini brings back my system data to a reasonable value, but after a day or so the system data has reached max again. Since a lot of people have the same problem, I don't think that the problem is caused by 3rd party apps because we all have different apps on our phones. All tips about deleting the Safari cache and checking the memory use of different apps are almost meaningless. In the apps list usually the app size is less than 1 GB and the documents and data is less, unless you have stored a lot of media files. But these files are not a part of the grey colored part of the bar graph. The owner of the system data cannot be identified and probably it is the iOS itself that allocates memory without freeing it again. The system data is much bigger than almost any other app and/or data. At the moment, in my case, it seems that it may be dependent of which iPhone model you have and/or it may be 4G versus 5G dependent.

My system Data takes 71Gb