Build Project Xcode to ipa file

I have completed the code project in Xcode and I want to build in ipa file for installing it in iphone. When I go to archive it then I get error that build failed because I haven't created provisioning profile. I made some search online and If I have understood well, I should register an iphone to my account. How can I do this ? I ahve found some instructions like "Log into your account and click on Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles." but when I login in the then not existed somewhere the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" option. In somewhere I read that it should have done this with permission of your account like account holder, admin, app manager etc... but I don't know what permission I have & how to change it so that to have the option of "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" enabled. Also I saw somewhere for enroll in app developer but needs to pay. Is it obligatory to pay so that to convert the project to ipa file ? I found and someother solutions in Xcode so that to disable the signing and use the Ad Hoc Code Sign but also this option misses to select it. Finally what should I do so that to convert the Xcode project to ipa file ?