Outlook search not works in Monterey

I have a new MBP M1, with fresh Monterey. I moved my data with the assistant from the old MBP, I have all the letters in Outlook (v15.46), but search in Outlook not works, it gives a "No results found" message in all folders. Old methods for reindex Spotlight is not working (eg. add and remove Main Profile to Spotlight). How can I solve this problem? Thanks

My search folder (Smart Folder) searching by categories was working last week, but is now failing as well. I'm on Monterrey 12.6 now, and I don't think that has changed since this folder was working last.

In my case (Ventura/Outlook 2016) the following fix did solve the issue:

Step 1) sudo mdutil -a -i off

sudo mdutil -a -i on

Step 2) Re-Index your HDD

  1. Open System settings and select Siri and Spotlight.
  2. Scroll down and click the Spotlight Privacy.
  3. Click on Go - Computer.
  4. Drag the Macintosh HD to the Privacy tab and wait for some time.
  5. From the Privacy window, select the HD and then click the minus (-) button near the bottom left of the window.

Step 3) Enable && Disable "New Outlook" Feature

Step 4) Have fun with the search feature

Seems to be a new "New Outlook" feature :)

By the way, I tried a lot fixes including

mdimport -r "/Applications/Microsoft Outlook.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Outlook Spotlight Importer.mdimporter" -d1 "/Users/my_user/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles"

no effect :)

Outlook search not works in Monterey