Outlook search not works in Monterey

I have a new MBP M1, with fresh Monterey. I moved my data with the assistant from the old MBP, I have all the letters in Outlook (v15.46), but search in Outlook not works, it gives a "No results found" message in all folders. Old methods for reindex Spotlight is not working (eg. add and remove Main Profile to Spotlight). How can I solve this problem? Thanks

MacOS Monterey update 12.2 seems to have solved this issue, it means that the problem comes from the MacOS! see this article : https://mrmacintosh.com/macos-monterey-12-2-update-21d49-whats-new/

Same here, all updates installed (12.2 and 16.57). Search only works for mails either send or received after the update. This does not help very much.

I have two Mac (Macbook pro 2016, Macbook pro M1 MAX) with Monterey 12.2.

*On Intel

Outlook v. 16.56 search not working

Outlook v. 16.57 search working

*On M1

Outlook v. 16.57 search not working

Ive just done the update so im now running Monterey 12.2 and outlook 16.58 and its still not working? Ive even tried reindexing the whole of the MacintoshHD drive and still nothing! This is getting seriously frustrating now!

For what it's worth. I have been following this thread since I got my M1 MacBook Pro a month ago. "Old" Outlook search stopped working. After upgrading to Outlook ver 16.57 (22011101) and then two weeks later to macOS Monterey 12.2 and waiting a day, search is back. Again, still on "old" outlook and will not use "new" outlook for work purposes. For everything else, new Outlook is just fine, and the search always worked.

Outlook 16.57 failed search before upgrade from Monterey 12.1 to 12.2 and solved after upgrade to Monteray 12.2! Macbook pro 14 M1 Max. Hope it helps.

MBA M1 with 12.2 Monterey and 16.58 Outlook... Search still not working... This is frustrating!!! Please help...

12.2 Monterey and 16.59 Outlook still has issue and search is not working

Running macOS 12.2.1 and Outlook 16.57 on M1 MacBook Air. Still can search or filter. Stopped working 6-8 months ago and this is really a severe hinderance.

FYI, running same releases on iMac and these functions work. (search and filter)

SOLVED: I had the same issue as described here since the last update for Monterey. I upgraded to Monterey v 12.2.1 yesterday and everything works perfectly now. I can now Spotlight my inbox in Outlook for Mac.

12.2.1 Monterey and 16.60 Outlook, the search is still not working

I found this : https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/monterey-12-1-update-broke-my-outlook-365-search-function.2327507/page-18 It worked for me :)

I found this: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/monterey-12-1-update-broke-my-outlook-365-search-function.2327507/page-18 it worked for me :)

Was experiencing this too and almost pulled my hair out but just updated to Monterey 12.3 and this problem is fixed! Hopefully the same will be true for all of you.

If using Outlook 16, turn off "New Outlook". Restart Outlook. Do another Spotlight search and wait for it to finish indexing. Doesn't seem to index in "New Outlook" mode but it definitely starts again if you go back to (and stay back in) the old mode.

Oh my goodness! This has been a huge pain for us for over a month now. We have tried reindexing Spotlight, toggling to the "new" outlook, switching outlook over to offline and then back to online, deleting our 3 email accounts (2 POP & 1 Gmail) and then adding them back . . . seriously every single solution we have tried. But, NOW it is FINALLY working!

Outlook 365 version 16.61 (you might need to click "Advanced" and on Update Channel, select "Beta Channel")

MacOS Monterey 12.3.1

My Search and Unread Filters in Outlook are now FINALLY working!

OMG! Mine is working too @2022Iggy!

I followed your instructions and updated to Outlook for Mac 16.61 (through the Beta Channel) and I am on Monterey 12.3.1.

I executed these 3 commands to delete the spotlight index and recreate it, waited overnight, and bam it works now!

sudo mdutil -Ea

sudo mdutil -ai off

sudo mdutil -ai on

This looks like a Microsoft issue with the old user interface. If you switch to the "New Outlook", the search is working for me.

Maybe this is Microsofts way of pushing the new UI :-D

I stumbled onto a workaround after months of frustration. I migrated from a 2017 MacBook pro to the new 14" version and could not search any of my emails sent or received prior to the migration. I tried everything in this thread and nothing worked. I found that if I selected a folder, then "select all", right-click, "follow up", "mark as complete", after a few minutes I could again search all of my emails. Not a tech-savvy solution, but it works.

Hi everyone

I was facing the same issues on my new macbook. However, I've managed to resolve the issue when I tried doing the following. Hope it works for the rest of you!

  1. Deleted app
  2. Reinstalled the app
  3. Selected the 'new outlook' by toggling the controls (appears on the top next to the search bar)

After it switched to the new outlook view, the search function works! Phew!

Good luck!

I had the same issue after using migration assistant in moving my system from an iMac Pro to the Mac Studio. iOS is Monterey 12.4. Outlook is version 16.64. Nothing worked until I decided to wipe the Studio clean and start a fresh re-install. This time I did not use migration assistant during the setup process of the Studio. I got the iOS up and running and setup my Apple ID/iCloud account. Then once the system was installed, I ran migration assistant and transferred my user account over just like before. But this time the Outlook search is working. It's still indexing but I am getting results for more common search terms. Hope this may help someone else out with this frustrating problem.

Similar search failures with On My Computer mail folders with questionable interplay between Spotlight on MBP 14 (2021) M1 model a2442 macOS Monterey v. 12.4 and Outlook for Mac v. 16.63 (update 22070801) after I used Migration Assistant to set up the A2442. All suggested remedies (e.g. no exclusions in Spotlight/Privacy no special characters in Profile Name) ineffective. Any restored search functionality. e.g faciltated by removal of Outlook.sqlite from Users<username>\Library\Group Containers\UBF8T346G9.Office\Outlook\Outlook 15 Profiles\Main Profile\Dats\Outlook.sqlite forcing Outlook to rebuild its DB, only sporadic and temporary. I surmised that Spotlight’s indexing and thus disharmony with Outlook may be the culprit IN MY CASE (Cant stress that enough) and I forced Spotlight to rebuild

Using Terminal app. I switched Spotlight off and on again with the following steps: 1.     Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app 2.     Enter the following (entering your password when prompted, you may need to have your user password available on a Text Edit pane so you can copy and past it):
 sudo mdutil -a -i off 3.     Enter:
 sudo mdutil -a -i on

After executing the above commands searching in Spotlight for a known word in an Outlook message triggered the Spotlight indexing process. Progress could be observed via a progress bar immediately under the Spotlight search topic. I have a 360MB Outlook database and it took about 90 minutes to reindex. Thereafter the Search function in Outlook was fully functional in all categories, e.g. Mailboxes and Contacts.

I found the initial hint to reindex Spotlight here:


Hope this helps


rebuilding the index/spotlight works for me! I am on Macbook Air M2 with Outlook 16.64 and Monterey v12.5

It's a very simple fix which I found online (credit goes to someone else, not me)

System Preferences>Spotlight>Privacy>Click(+)>Select 'Macintosh HD' Click thru all the warnings Then Click(-) and remove Macintosh HD from Privacy list and restart your Mac. Re-indexing will begin and Search bar on outlook will throw up results as usual.

I have 14 MBP with Monterey. Here is how it worked for me- Went to /Users/(username)/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook folder. Outlook 15 Profiles folder had folder named as Com Profile. Renamed it to - Main Profile. Went to spotlight setting> Privacy. Dragged the Main Profile folder to it to add, after it was saved, removed it. Restarted Outlook, boom it worked

Outlook search not works in Monterey