Xcode say:Your session has expired. Please log in.

still alert:

Try signing in again or contact Apple Developer Support to resolve account access issues.



Thanks a lot. I will try

So now you log in in xcode succesfull ? I did not understand the speech of the password, you explain? Thank you

Yes, I'm currently posting my new build to itunes connect.

Have a look to :


Section "2 factors authentification"

Thank you! It' work for me!!!

I have tried this and worked. Thanks a lot.

But this is so bad for Apple, there is no information about why account is expired ?😕

Thanks it works for me. You save my day!! Not Apple, You!!

I have to go under the heading "Security" and then "two-step verification"? it's correct?

Wonderful, and I get "Cannot set two-factor authentication" 😟 (Probably because I never used iCloud with my dev account before)

It works!!!! Thanks so much

Thank you!

It resolved the issue for me, but I still wonder why Apple restricted login in Xcode without 2 factor security.

It's telling me to "come back in 3 days time". This is very very poor on Apple's part, especially on the run up to the holiday period restrictions on iTunes connect..

Enabling 2FA worked for me. Did I miss an email? Seems a bit sudden an unintuative to force us to use 2FA.

Even downgrading back to Xcode 8.1 doesnt solve the issue. 2FA seems to be not work for some users (I need to wait 3 days before enabling 2FA)... what the heck went wrong?

Sure 2FA sounds great but what about those of us that changed their password first thinking that would fix it. I am now unable to work for the next 3 days basically. This is people's livelihood Apple!! Unacceptable.

Thank you so much! It works now for my by following your post.