TimeoutError: Timed out waiting for connection to DTServiceHub after 15.0 seconds.

Getting this error when trying to preview an app on various devices. It's occurring when I select iPhone 13 and iPhone 11, but my previews work fine for iPod 7th Gen and iPhone 12. It's possible that this is because I have used those preview options in the past however.

I've generated a report from the error, however the .zip is 400mb and it won't let me attach it to the post.


Sorry to hear you are having problems getting previews working. This sounds like an issue we are already tracking, but to be sure the next step will be to file a feedback with diagnostics. We will need the diagnostics Xcode Previews generates in order to make sure we understand the error the previews system is encountering.

  1. When you get an error in Xcode Previews, an error banner appears in the canvas
  2. Click the "Diagnostics" button in that banner
  3. In the sheet that appears, click "Generate Report" in the bottom left of the sheet
  4. Attach (or make from the folder) the resulting zip file to the bug (will be named something like previews-diagnostics-0123456789.zip)


Any updates?

i'm having the same issue, i just created a new project and the preview of the "Hello World!" is not working

TimeoutError: Timed out waiting for connection to DTServiceHub after 15.0 seconds.

I am having the same error on a brand new install on MacBook Air 2018 1,6 ghz, i5 dual. 8G. after switching from iPod touch 7 to iPhone 11 and while the iPhone preview was preparing I realize that my Sophos antivirus was working like crazy. It took a while but the preview started working in iPhone 11. I went back to iPod touch 7 preview and it was still not working. Only some previews are problematics.

I haven't received any feedback related to this issue since February 2nd 2022, ID 9843208. I've provided a new diagnostics that was produced when using XCode 13.3 beta. Could I please get a response on the aforementioned feedback ID?

Still no reply to feedback ID 9843208. This has been an ongoing issue for more than two months, as a paying Apple Developer program member I'd expect that the software and support I've subscribed to use would be working. This is quite disappointing and I'd really appreciate a response to the above feedback ID.

Hey guys, I had the same error, can you solve it by removing the comments that are on the first lines of code, leaving the UIKit import as the first line. follow my github: https://github.com/Brunostd

Interesting, but alas I tried that just now with no difference. I have not tried all the iPhone models so far 13 Pro, 11, and 8 Plus. All with the same result.


I have come across this issue too for me the fix was by closing Xcode and opening it again. then change the ios simulator before running it on canvas

I am getting this error with the new release of XCode 14.0 (iMac 2016)

It begin immediately with after install of Xcode 14.0.1. I have shutdown and restarted XCode. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Xcode. Tried multiple simulators. An iPhone 8 worked once or twice, then stopped. Anything iPhone 11 or higher is consistently producing the error below after anything from 2-30 minutes. Very frustrating.

Cannot preview in this file TimeoutError: Timed out waiting for connection to DTServiceHub after 15.0 seconds.

What worked for me is changing the device in the preview to a different device. I understand this is not a complete fix because you might want to see the preview on a specific device, but it was suitable for my purposes.

I have got this error after updating xcode to version 14.2

Before that I used an xcode 14.0 beta 6. Fortunately, this beta version is still working, and the preview is still working well too.

I found a workaround for my problem - I downloaded the latest version of xcode from this page https://developer.apple.com/download/applications/, and it works well with preview. The version from AppStore still doesn't work, but that doesn't matter to me now.

TimeoutError: Timed out waiting for connection to DTServiceHub after 15.0 seconds.