Is there any down side to changing my CFBundleVersion from a 3 part number to a one part number.


Since Xcode 13 it looks like a CFBundleVersion with format 1.2.3 is no longer considered valid. I am happy to change this to a simple integer value so long as it will not cause problems for customers upgrading their existing apps that have the 3 part CFBundleVersion.


It’s actually a good idea. Using dots is sort of a legacy format that still works, except in the case of Xcode 13’s new automatic build number management feature. That feature assumes CFBundleVersion is a simple integer and quietly truncates starting at the first dot. That’s what happened in your previous question.

Consider CFBundleVersion as an internal build number. It doesn’t have to resemble your user-visible CFBundleShortVersionString in any way. You can reset it to (say) 1 every time you bump your CFBundleShortVersionString. And if you adopt the automatic build number feature, then you can just leave it alone and let Xcode bump it for you when uploading.

Also consider the current documentation for CFBundleVersion to be obsolete. Someone should submit a feedback on that.

  • Submitted feedback FB9842277 suggesting a rewrite of the documentation for CFBundleVersion.

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