ASC Doesn't generate DSYM file

The latest build of my iOS app in TestFlight does not show a "Download DSYM" link in the build metadata tab. When I uploaded the build to App Store Connect I had "enable bitcode" turned on, and I can see "Include Symbols" is set to yes in the build metadata. But no link is next to it like my other recent builds.

The last few builds I've submitted in the same manner have all generated the DSYM download links no problem. For some reason this particular build has not.

Has anyone else experienced this same issue? Any tips of how to fix this? I'd like to avoid submitting a new build if possible


Answered by DTS Engineer in 767515022

is there a fix available?

There’s nothing really to fix here. Lemme explain…

In general:

  • You are responsible for building the binary that you submit to the store.

  • That build process creates a .dSYM file that matches that binary.

If you’re using Xcode, both the binary and its .dSYM file end up within your Xcode archive.

Historically, Apple allowed, and in some cases required, apps to submit as bitcode. Apple then recompiled the app from that bitcode, and distributed that binary to end users.

That caused problems for symbolication because the binary being run by end users didn’t match the .dSYM file in your Xcode archive. To solve this, Apple created a mechanism for you to download a .dSYM file for the binary that Apple generated.

With Xcode 14, so about a year ago, Apple stopped doing the bitcode thing. To quote the Xcode 14 Release Notes.

Starting with Xcode 14, bitcode is no longer required for watchOS and tvOS applications, and the App Store no longer accepts bitcode submissions from Xcode 14.

So, the whole reason for downloading .dSYM files is now gone, and folks can go back to what they used to do before bitcode was a thing: Build the binary and it’s .dSYM locally and use that for symbolication.

If you have a process that relies on getting a .dSYM file from Apple, please update that process to work with your locally built file.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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I'm seeing the same thing. I wonder if it's related to the new submission system. It changed recently to allow multiple submissions at the same time. This was the first build using this new system that is missing dsyms.

Same issue here. Already submitted multiple builds but still no debug symbols available for download.

We've also submitted two different apps on Friday and neither of them have dSYMs as of today (monday)


+1 I saw the generated DSYM showing up after, maybe, 10, 12 hours. Hope it will get fixed soon

Same here, last build that worked was uploaded on February 5th

I submitted a bug report, FB9889200. Would be great if everyone can do so, so that Apple reacts more quickly.


Thanks for letting us know! Our teams are looking into this. To stay updated on the progress and help with the investigation, please be sure to file a feedback report or contact support directly.

We are experiencing the same problem. We have submitted our build about 24 hours ago. We still do not have any available DSYM files for download.

Same here, tried several times(builds) but dSym link is not showing up!

+1. It started happening randomly around February 3 (JST), and since February 8 (JST), none of the builds have generated dSYM!I had to increment a lot of build versions to try this out... I had to reorganize my version control... (I had to patch the marketing version or something, even though it wasn't a patch for the app)

We are experiencing the same problem, tried several times(builds) but dSym link is not showing up!

Experiencing the same issue across several apps and builds.

We had the same problem, we couldn't download DSYM files in the background of App Store Connect.

dSYM files finally popped up in ASC after five(!) days of waiting.

I have the same problem. Yesterday, I uploaded a new version and the DSYM file appeared without a problem. Today, I have uploaded a new version and the DSYM file does not appear.

We have the same problem, the button "Download Dsyms" in AppStore Connect is hidden for several builds of several apps

We have the same problem, Testflight says Includes Symbols: Yes, but for some reason no Download button.

Not sure if it is related, but starting a few hours ago (about 6) I have been unable to successfully upload any build, connection just times out on upload.

@apple support: Please provide us some updates what is going on? Thanks.

The dsyms I was looking for just came back this morning, maybe just wait..

Yesterday I wrote to support as suggested in Apple Staff comment. Today I found desired "Download dSYMs" button inside the build that we uploaded to appstore also yesterday.

Same for me.. The link suddenly appeared days after uploading the build..

Like some others here my DSYM download link has now shown up as well. It took roughly 5-6 days to show up. I didn't upload a new build or change any configuration. The only thing I did was raise a support request a couple days ago. There is no activity on the request, so I can't confirm whether that is responsible for the link showing up, of if it was just a coincidence. So not really a proper solution or satisfying outcome as the cause and fix are still unknown. Would still like to see if anyone from Apple can chime in here and hopefully explain the issue in more detail and potential mitigations that can be taken.

ASC Doesn't generate DSYM file