TotalSpace3, Apple please wake-up!

Apple Please! Since your last OS update the most useful software on Mac: TotalSpace3 stopped working.

TotalSpace brings the ability to navigate in the spaces through a grid of multiple 2D spaces (like it was 10+ years ago on Mac).

Since TotalSpace is not working anymore (and exists and work on Linux) it became less interesting using a Mac...

I can't believe that no one at Apple is using TotalSpace ?! It's just impossible to work on a Mac without it !?

Navigating with the native Apple horizontal space means that we have to click (and wait 5 seconds) to navigate between space 01 to space 10...

Are you serious at Apple ?! only my Grand'ma navigate into spaces with the Apple native interface...

With TotalSpace, we can (could) swipe with 4-fingers on the trackpad and change of spaces in two dimensions (01 > 10 in half of a second). IT'S VITAL for people who are intensively using their mac.





You're digging your grave! Developers: who were all (the good ones) using TotalSpace will move to Linux without it, as it became impossible to use a Mac without it...

Answered by aexplorer in 707799022

Not at all clear if this is an apple issue or not, but the reality is that the change to Apple Silicon and other (arguably for the better) changes to MacOS have made the functionality of TS increasingly difficult for an independent developer to create. It would be great if Apple just acknowledged that Mission Control has been in a downward spiral for years, and invested the developer time to produce a window manager at feature parity with the myriad of options in Linux distributions.

With the army of developers at Apple, I have to believe there are many who understand what fully-featured window management functionality is. For me TotalSpaces has for almost a decade plugged the hole left by Apple's increasingly bastardized offering. It's a shame to see the talented independent developer of TS get squeezed out by Apple and no real competitive offering make it into MacOS.

marked as ranting spam

Not an Apple issue - contact the developers of TotalSpace3 to fix it, not apple!

Agreed that the lack of a good way for users who don't use an overpriced Apple trackpad to switch spaces is a huge problem. Totalspaces stepped in to solve that problem but unfortunately development has slowed and it's a major problem for people who rely on it.

Of course it's an Apple issue.

This MUST be a feature within Apple OS. (like it was) This MUST be a feature that external developers should be able to develop, your OS limitation makes this company stop developing this software.

Could you send this thread to someone else at Apple to see their reaction? Your representative should analyze (fairly) your feeling differently.

Accepted Answer

Not at all clear if this is an apple issue or not, but the reality is that the change to Apple Silicon and other (arguably for the better) changes to MacOS have made the functionality of TS increasingly difficult for an independent developer to create. It would be great if Apple just acknowledged that Mission Control has been in a downward spiral for years, and invested the developer time to produce a window manager at feature parity with the myriad of options in Linux distributions.

With the army of developers at Apple, I have to believe there are many who understand what fully-featured window management functionality is. For me TotalSpaces has for almost a decade plugged the hole left by Apple's increasingly bastardized offering. It's a shame to see the talented independent developer of TS get squeezed out by Apple and no real competitive offering make it into MacOS.


Even if Apple don't provide the solution, how about providing API's for Spaces that we've been asking for over the past decade?!

I fully agree with the comment above that Apple needs to take a careful look at TotalSpaces (TS), a mission control feature that allows one to split the entire screen into however many spaces one desires instead of Apple's clumsy spaces at the of the screen.

This original split-screen/Spaces feature was always the best thing about Apple computers but for some unfathomable reason Apple dropped it about 12 years ago. An independent developer produced it but has had trouble keeping up with each new OS developed by Apple. TotalSpaces now does not work on Ventura and Monterey. I just downloaded Big Sur and it seems like it does not work there either so I am going back to Catalina.

The multiple spaces feature on OS13/Ventura is clumsy and pathetic by comparison with the ease of use of TotalSpaces.

When will Apple wake up and take a serious look at TotalSpaces and try to emulate it?
It has been over 12 years now and you have still not succeeded in developing something comparable to Totalspaces!

Unfortunately I can upvote only one time.

I find it hard to believe, being a TotalSpaces user myself, that "EVERY TIME" that Apple comes out with an update, there are problems with the TotalSpaces app working in the newest release of the iOS. When Steve Jobs was alive, he was all about the OPEN SOURCE mentality. What happened to Apple? Since then, they no longer allow us to write to NTFS, a major impact on sharing/moving files between macOS and Windows users. They have fought every open source app and utility used in the macOS. I left LINUX to come to macOS because it was easier. Did I make a mistake?

Is Apple still about developing an exemplary product, and supporting the people? ... or are the people having to support Apple instead?

Are you planning to fix this tremendous issue? The spaces are not usable anymore with the classical horizontal space navigation. It's absolutely vital for any developer who intensely uses their mac to be able to navigate through spaces in 2 dimensions.

Let's figure out if you want to use 9 spaces and your default space is the 05 :

[01] [02] [03]

[04] [05] [06]

[07] [08] [09]


4 fingers ▶️ going from space [05] > [06]

4 fingers 🔽 going from space [06] > [09]

4 fingers ◀️ going from space [09] > [08]

4 fingers 🔼 going from space [08] > [05]


It's totally unbelievable that you can't find some Apple users in your Apple team who are not upset about losing this vital feature. Without it, I feel like a hemiplegic who can't use all his brain and have to scroll like a dummy horizontally space by space...

I'm seriously considering moving back to Linux after this major downgrade. I know it's not Apple's fault, but the lack of this basic feature is really upsetting.

Spend 5k$ for a "Pro" machine and not even able to switch spaces like the most basic Linux Distro. Good job Apple, you know your "Professionists". Should be named MacBook Cons.

Why? I used the App to disable the animations between changing the desktops. What should I do now? Why do I need to watch the animations? I bought the totalspaces version which provided me the chance to use MacOS. Now it's almost unusable :/

TotalSpace3, Apple please wake-up!