Non Consumable Titles

I'm trying to add Non-Consumable Titles to our Apple and I have been getting strange errors. Then I came across this on the Apple Forum

"We’re reaching out to let you know about upcoming changes to in-app purchase content hosting. In Xcode 13.3, we’ve removed the option to upload non-consumable in-app purchase assets for Apple to host. In addition, support for managing these assets in App Store Connect will be removed starting in April 2022. "

They suggest for us to use ODR? Is this for real? We can't use ITMSTransporter to upload new Non-Consumable Titles to our App?

This is the command I been using after I create the itmsp package:

/Applications/ -m upload -f /Users/abc/Desktop/2022-06-10-13-58-27.itmsp -u -p ********

But I'm able to create Non-Consumable titles when I log into the

Is Apple really expecting us to change to ODR?