Problem connecting Xcode Cloud with GitLab Self-Managed

I've done the first step for connecting the Xcode cloud with GitLab, I've followed the instructions available on this link

But I accidentally deleted the app created on GitLab ( step 8 on link above), then I can't restart the process in Xcode Cloud.

Let me show the problem better...

Every time that I clink on button "Grant Access" in Xcode tool, I'm redirect to this site:

When I click on blue button, it happens on GitLab settings:

Because I deleted the settings. Then, I need to go back to step 1 of 2 and set up again.

How can I restart the process ?

I am having the same problem. Is there any way to reset everything and start from scratch?

I am facing the same problem. Is there a way I can reconfigure it?

i have the same problem with gitlab self-managed. Is there any way to reset everything and start from scratch?

still nothing new here?

Same situation with our instance. Did anyone has any progress ?

If you are experiencing this problem, you will need to un-register your self-hosted SCM by going to:

App Store Connect Users and Access Xcode Cloud Integrations

You should see your GitLab self-hosted installation listed there. Click the 'Deregister' button.

From there, you can re-register your SCM in a couple of ways:

  1. On your builds page in App Store Connect, you should see an error banner with a button that says 'Reconnect'. That should take you through the process of re-installing the GitLab app onto your SCM. If you don't see the error banner, run another build, and the banner should then appear
  2. If your app is not yet onboarded, you can go through the onboarding process, which will include the same registration process as in #1.

I am unable to deregister from Users and Access -> Xcode Cloud integration, since there is nothing there other than telling me to create a new workspace (PFB).

I was able to connect first time. Then I had to change my change my project with a separate self-hosted gitlab instance. That time I removed my xcode cloud data using this url, Ever since I am keep getting the 2nd step of gitlab authorization only (PFB).

Please help. I cannot proceed with my CI/CD setup because of this issue. Also, I have multiple apple developers account linked to same email. Will Xcode Cloud integration work for all the accounts?

I'm facing the exact same issue here, any updates on this?

Any update?

Xcode Cloud seems to persist the application client ID created by Gitlab in the first step. But if the second step failed, the failed installation won't be listed in the Xcode Cloud page, and the application client ID will not expire, so we can't find a way to reset the installation.

Now Xcode 14.1 keeps promoting Xcode Cloud but I still can't create any workflow after my first attempt half year ago. Please help.

I had a very similar issue trying to change which account was used to authenticate gitlab to our existing app and workflows. There was no clear solution to the problem but I basically tried these steps over and over, while also trying to run a workflow.

  • Remove the app from my personal gitlab profile
  • Remove the integration to gitlab from Users & Access
  • Add the integration from Users & Access with the new account (creating the app in gitlab)
  • In one of the workflows I had already configured, adding a new primary repository, which is just the same link
  • Make sure every workflow is using that "new" primary repository
  • Delete the old primary repository from the xcode cloud settings for my app

Eventually it worked, not really sure which one of those steps did it

The solution above doesn't work for me because I don't have any integrations listed under Users & Access -> Xcode Cloud, I can only see the setup-your-first-workflow screen. So I am still being redirected to step 2 of the onboarding when I try to setup the first workflow from Xcode. I really would like to give Xcode Cloud a try but I am afraid I have to look into other CI/CD solutions.

I have exact same problem and there is still no solution? I mean, a company where I help on project is paying for xcode cloud and we cannot use it. This is dragging for more than one month already!

Please give us some information or something, I have to report to my client what is going on!!!

I have exact same problem and there is still no solution?

I had problems with created application on gitlab, Xcode was telling "you need admin permission to the repository" so I could not complete the integration. After deleting gitlab application I also have same issue.

I have managed to solve this issue by configuring Xcode cloud for a new app (but with instead of self managed). After this go to Users and Access -> Xcode Cloud -> Integrations (left sidebar), remove app provider.

Now this is getting funny... I cannot remove old SCM and I cannot register new one.

I was searching a bit on internet and found this: I do not have admin access to our gitlab, but can anyone with same problem try and confirm solution?

Same here.

Any update now?

I got stuck at the exact same situation as y'all and I got it fixed.

Since I got stuck in the process for the self-hosted Gitlab instance I created a new application for my organization whose source-code I put on Github. That could be any example app or whatever. It doesn't matter. You just have to have a different app that you can use to finish the setup once on a different platform. You can delete it later in AppStore Connect.

Once this new workflow for the "Decoy App" is completely set up you are able to FINALLY get rid of the stuck Gitlab integration under the Users & Access tab in the App Store Connect backend. Once deleted you can start the Gitlab integration from the beginning and that worked for me!

I had a same problem. but I solved it about my case My case was solved by Primary Repository

I changed my remote repository's group, so Its path was "" to ""

It wasn't a problem on browser but when I tried Grant access, It's on the error. I realized it's because redirection!

so I tried change Primary Repository

If you found out The problem is like my case, you should reconnect remote (origin)
You can delete the origin (Photo) and connect by Add Existing Remote menu on right click and than you can see the path Primary Repository changed

Problem connecting Xcode Cloud with GitLab Self-Managed