App Clip iMessage Sharing Not Working

We have been having problems with our app clip not working when sharing through iMessage. The app and app clip are published and work correctly when scanning a QR code that points to the URL: however if this same URL is shared through the iMessage app, a link to the website displays and not the app clip card.

We have confirmed that:

  • AASA file is available and has the type application/json
  • Both devices are above iOS 14
  • Both devices are in each other's contacts
  • The website has the meta tag for the smart app clip banner
  • The website has a meta tag for the og:image
  • Launch experiences have been configured on AppStoreConnect - as said before, the QR codes work correctly

The link leads to a 404 page, I wasn't sure if there needs to be an actual page that the link points to as app clips seem to work fine without when scanning the QR code through the camera app.

I am experiencing similar issues. Was there ever a resolution?

Same issue here, any resolution?

Seems like the 404 might be the issue: From Apple's docs: When you add the meta tag to your webpage to support invocations from Safari or an SFSafariViewController, you automatically add support for invocations from links people share with others in the Messages app. When a person shares a link to the website that displays the banner or App Clip card, the recipient can tap the link to instantly launch your App Clip.

App Clip iMessage Sharing Not Working