we received "REFUND_DECLINED" notification

HI. After changing notifications v2 We received "REFUND_DECLINED" notifications

But, we didn't do anything about refund. Also, we didn't send consumption information.

Below is description of "REFUND_DECLINED" REFUND_DECLINED Indicates that the App Store declined a refund request initiated by the app developer.

Can I know when we are getting this notification?

Have you implemented the storekit2 in-app BeginRefundRequest so customers can request a refund request while in your app? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/transaction/3803219-beginrefundrequest

We haven't applied storekit2 yet. But we received refund_declined notifications. Could you explain me about why we receive it?

We are seeing REFUND_DECLINED server notifications too and have not implemented beginRefundRequest for app developer-initiated refunds. Is this expected behavior?

we received "REFUND_DECLINED" notification