Help with blocked developer account

Hi all

I don’t even know if this is a help post or just a cry from my soul.

I'll start from the very beginning. My firm is developing software for small and medium businesses. For us developers, there is nothing unusual about this. If the client's store, we transfer it beautifully and without problems to the mobile application.

We have been releasing apps since 2019. And everything was fine, even excellent, until August 2022.

In August, after submitting the application for review, I, as the account developer, received a notice that clause 3.2f was violated and that my account would be closed.

It is clear that I immediately filed an appeal, but the Apple inspectors said that they would not change their minds. To say that I was shocked = to say nothing.

Since then, I have filed 6 appeals, created other accounts (tried), so that our clients are calm that we are fulfilling our obligations.

no response to appeals (no calls, no letters)

Does anyone know how else to contact support? Because I have no more ideas, honestly - I'm broken.

Thanks for reading, Tim

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Help with blocked developer account