MacOS Ventura - WindowServer quit unexpectedly

I have a MacStudio. I upgraded to Ventura. When I click a Microsoft Office app in my dock, my screens go blank and I get taken back to the login screen. Then when I log back in I see an error message that says, "WindowServer quit unexpectedly."

Process: WindowServer [36199] Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer Identifier: WindowServer Version: ???

Anyone have any suggestions / fixes?

Same issue. I think it may be related to having a dual monitor or another apple device as a desktop extension.

I'm experiencing the very same issue with my MacBook Pro. It happens a few times a day. It's super annoying.

Yep, same here, started happening after upgrading to Ventura. Running two or three external displays from my intel MBP. I use a lot of spaces and windows all the time.

I have the OS version 13.0.1 Ventura & I'm having that problem as well. It happens randomly but looks like having a full screened app & hitting command + tab is causing the issue. Pretty annoying

It has just happened to me and my MBP 14" M1 Pro got completed black. I had to hard reset it to make it work again. Very annoying...

I think the problem is related to whatsapp app. One time the crash occurs during whatsapp call ... I stopped to use whatsapp and the crash stops to occur...

I'm getting the same thing. I am not doing anything exotic. I do have a 2nd monitor similar to what I have seen others post here about this issue as well. Apple needs to fix this ASAP.

Same here. I'm using MAcbook Pro M1 with Ventura. Crash at least 1-2 times in every day. Today it was happend while having meeting via zoom application. I did not touch any key even trackpad. it is fatal issue!

I have the same problem. Sometimes WindowServer restarts, sometimes screen freezes and after 2 minutes the watchdog restarts my MBP. Very annoying. I didn't notice any pattern. Ventura (now 13.1 - latest upgrade didn't help), MBP (13-inch, 2020, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports), one external display connected through USB-C hub.

I've had the same thing, its really annoying. Since most people are having this "Glitch" its most likely update realated. So when apple releases the next update, make sure to update.

Same, Mc OS VENTURA + MCSTUDIO + LG ULTRAFINE on usb C + second monitor Always have the same message and quit many times on a day, the only solution is to remove the second monitor. Waiting for the update that may fix this issue.

Had this same issue on 2017 iMac. Had to re-install High Sierra (and then Big Sur) in order to prevent the frequent windowserver crash.

MacOS Ventura - WindowServer quit unexpectedly