App keeps on getting rejected and my responses seems to be ignored

I am having pretty bad experience with App Review process and I was wondering if anyone here could give me a hint how to deal with it. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

I have uploaded App over a week ago and from that time I am in this ping-pong discussion. Reviewers reject the app for random reason which is not true I explain why what is written in rejection. For example:

  • app got rejected because "there is no demo video"
  • I reply that there was a demo video attached + youtube video link, but attach it once again

so then:

  • app got rejected because "it shows not current version of the app"
  • I reply that it does and attach screenshots from submissions & demo video

and it keeps on like that.

Now it starts to go even worse because I keep on getting rejects because "it was noticed that I do use persistent background location tracking". The thing is that is completely expected and visible in demo video and I keep on explaining to them that I have features that does require it, attach more screenshots, explain that it's visible in demo video and so on. No matter what I write my responses seems to be ignored and they keep on rejecting it with the same message

"To resolve this issue, please revise your app to include features that require the persistent use of real-time location updates while the app is in the background."

I believe I do have feature that requires it... How to deal with it?

"To resolve this issue, please revise your app to include features that require the persistent use of real-time location updates while the app is in the background."

I believe I do have feature that requires it... How to deal with it?

One of you is correct and the other is wrong. But you’ve not told us enough to determine which.

If you tell us what your app does, maybe we’ll be able to confirm if you’re right or if they are right.

Thanks a lot for the answer, I really appreciate that!

So my app is fitness & motivation app where beside things like step counting there is one feature where you can search for a gym nearby when you go for a workout

When user checks in I start background location tracking to make sure he is in sports facility and to stop the training counting when he leaves the gym

When that happens i stop all location services and count time user was in a gym. Seems to be quite valid, what do you think?

Are you using “when in use” or “always” location permission?

I am using always to perform a check-out also when app is turned off, but of course only for a time when the user is in a gym.

Hi, I'm having a similar problem with rejections. Did you find a solution?

App keeps on getting rejected and my responses seems to be ignored