Hi all,
To prevent sending sensitive JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) in plain text, you should create a report in Feedback Assistant to share the details requested below. Additionally, if I determine the error is caused by an internal issue in the operating system or Apple ID servers, the appropriate engineering teams have access to the same information and can communicate with you directly for more information, if needed. Please follow the instructions below to submit your feedback.
For "Sign Up Not Completed" errors occurring with your native app, perform the following steps:
Install the Accounts/AuthKit profile on your iOS, macOS, tvOS, or watchOS device.
Reproduce the issue and make a note of the timestamp when the issue occurred, while optionally capturing screenshots or video.
Gather a sysdiagnose on the same iOS, macOS, tvOS, or watchOS device.
Ensure your feedback contains the following information:
a. the primary App ID or Bundle ID
b. the user’s Apple ID, email address, and/or identity token
c. the sysdiagnose gathered after reproducing the issue
d. the timestamp of when the issue was reproduced
e. screenshots or videos of errors and unexpected behaviors (optional)
For issues occurring with your web service, ensure your feedback contains the following information:
- the primary App ID and Services ID
- the user’s Apple ID, email address, and/or identity token
- the failing request, including all parameter values, and error responses (if applicable)
- the timestamp of when the issue was reproduced (optional)
- screenshots or videos of errors and unexpected behaviors (optional)
Submitting your feedback
Before you submit to Feedback Assistant, please confirm the requested information above (for your native app, web service, or email delivery) is included in your feedback. Failure to provide the requested information will only delay my investigation into the reported issue within your Sign in with Apple client.
After your submission to Feedback Assistant is complete, please respond to this thread with the Feedback ID. Once received, we can begin our investigation and determine if this issue is caused by an error within your client, a configuration issue within your developer account, or an underlying system bug.