Companion Link Active on device

Would someone please be able to explain to me what companion link is and how it may have become enabled on my device ? Would be greatly appreciated

Terminusd-395.60.3 pid 1307 built on Dec 17 2022 04:33:51, iphoneOS 20D47 "🙈", packet logging disabled Companion link is currently enabled on this device

20:39:52.3305 : time of this status dump

--------- NRD Local Device Database Status (0 devices) ---------

--------- Director status --------- Name: Link Director Enabled: YES Fixed Interface mode: NO SOCKS port: 62742 SOCKS server: (null) FD Usage: { NETPOLICY = 2; Total = 6; VNODE = 4; } Unlocked data protection: ClassA

--------- Manager status ---------

Name: Policy Session Manager Policy Session: { priority = control1 policies = {} } Installed policies: { "NRLinkDirector-Drop" = ( 1 ); }

Name: Link Manager - Bluetooth LinkManager type: Bluetooth State: Ready [] Links: {( )} Pipes: {( )} Peripherals: (null) CentralMgr: (null) PeripheralMgr: (null) currentAdvertisementState: Idle currentAdvertisementRate: Default

Name: Link Manager - WiFi LinkManager type: WiFi State: Ready Links: {( )} WiFi Interface: en0 (index 16) AWDL Interface: (null) (index 0) WiFi Available: YES WiFi WoW Enabled: NO WiFi Client Type: 0 Local WiFi Endpoint: Local WiFi Signature: (null) Remote WiFi Endpoints: { } Remote WiFi Signature: (null) Remote AWDL EndpointDict: { } Available IPv4 addresses: ( "" ) Available IPv6 addresses: ( ) Available AWDL addresses: ( ) Prefer WiFi asserts: 0 Cleared Prefer WiFi asserts: 0

Orphaned Device Monitor Connections: {( )}

Orphaned Device Preferences Connections: {( )}

Ephemeral Device Connections: {( )}

See my response on your other thread.

Unfortunately, you’ll never get a reply, man. I have the same thing on my phone and Apple has been absolutely useless. They just tell me to reset my phone. I’ve done that countless times and yet my device is still being remotely accessed. Let me know if you figured anything out elsewhere.

Companion Link Active on device