Error -24169 returned by authserver when using altool

Hi, I am trying to run

xcrun altool --list-providers -u -p "my-application-specific-password"

My console response looks as follows with a -24169 error when trying to authenticate. I have used this application password in the past with fastlane, but I do not seem to be able to authenticate today.

2023-02-17 10:09:28.753 Initializing bundle from: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.762 Will look for transporter at executable bundle relative path: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.762 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.762 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.763 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.763 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/Application
2023-02-17 10:09:28.763 Looking for Transporter at path: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
2023-02-17 10:09:28.763 Using default transporter location: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
2023-02-17 10:09:28.764 Will look for transporter at executable bundle relative path: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.765 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.765 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.765 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2023-02-17 10:09:28.765 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/Application
2023-02-17 10:09:28.766 Looking for Transporter at path: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
2023-02-17 10:09:28.766 Using default transporter location: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
2023-02-17 10:09:28.766 iTMSTransporter is not available. Using REST APIs.
2023-02-17 10:09:29.511 jsonURL =
2023-02-17 10:09:29.512 jsonRequest as dictionary = {
    id = "20230217100929-413";
    jsonrpc = "2.0";
    method = generateAppleConnectToken;
    params =     {
        Application = altool;
        ApplicationBundleId = "";
        FrameworkVersions =         {
            "" = "6.043 (14043)";
            "" = "6.043 (14043)";
            "" = "6.043 (14043)";
        OSIdentifier = "Mac OS X 12.6.0 (x86_64)";
        Password = "**hidden value**";
        Username = "";
        Version = "6.043 (14043)";
2023-02-17 10:09:29.512 Setting request length to: 519
2023-02-17 10:09:29.673 jsonResponse as string = {"result":{"Errors":["Error Description not available (-24169)"],"EnableJWTForAllCalls":false,"RestartClient":false,"ErrorCode":-24169,"ErrorMessage":"Error Description not available (-24169)","ShouldUseRESTAPIs":false,"Success":false},"id":"20230217100929-413","jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"message":"Error Description not available (-24169)","code":-24169}}
2023-02-17 10:09:29.673 Web service call (generateAppleConnectToken) result: {
    EnableJWTForAllCalls = 0;
    ErrorCode = "-24169";
    ErrorMessage = "Error Description not available (-24169)";
    Errors =     (
        "Error Description not available (-24169)"
    RestartClient = 0;
    ShouldUseRESTAPIs = 0;
    Success = 0;
2023-02-17 10:09:29.675 Non-localized server string received: 'Error Description not available (-24169)'.
2023-02-17 10:09:29.675 Non-localized server string received: 'Error Description not available (-24169)'.
2023-02-17 10:09:29.676 {
    EnableJWTForAllCalls = 0;
    ErrorCode = "-24169";
    ErrorMessage = "Error Description not available (-24169)";
    Errors =     (
        "Error Description not available (-24169)"
    RestartClient = 0;
    ShouldUseRESTAPIs = 0;
    Success = 0;
2023-02-17 10:09:29.678 Non-localized server string received: 'Error Description not available'.
2023-02-17 10:09:29.679 Non-localized server string received: 'Error Description not available (-24169)'.
2023-02-17 10:09:29.679 Non-localized server string received: 'Error Description not available'.
2023-02-17 10:09:29.760 Bad status code: <MZWebServiceDAWTokenForUsernameAndPassword: 0x7fc498017800>
2023-02-17 10:09:29.761 *** Error: Failed to list providers.
2023-02-17 10:09:29.761 *** Error: Failed to list providers. Failed to get authorization for username '' and password. (
    "Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=0 \"Status code: 0\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Status code: 0, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The auth server returned a bad status code.}"
) (-1011)
    NSLocalizedDescription = "Failed to list providers.";
    NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Failed to get authorization for username 'my@email' and password. (\n    \"Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=0 \\\"Status code: 0\\\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Status code: 0, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The auth server returned a bad status code.}\"\n)";

I had this same issue running:

`#!/bin/bash echo "Uploading IPA to Appstore Connect..." if xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios -f "$UNITY_PLAYER_PATH" -u "$ITUNES_USERNAME" -p "$ITUNES_PASSWORD" ; then echo "Upload IPA to Appstore Connect finished with success" else echo "Upload IPA to Appstore Connect failed" fi

Using the Unity Cloud Build (UCB) at around 17:00 on Friday 17th Feb, so around the same time this was posted. Is this likely an Apple authentication or UCB issue? There is no log data associated with the error code.

`[2023-02-17T15:58:39.880Z] - - INFO: Executing Script at Assets/Editor/post-build-push-ipa-appstore.bash [2023-02-17T15:58:39.881Z] - - INFO: "/BUILD_PATH/xxxx iOS/Assets/Editor/post-build-push-ipa-appstore.bash" "/BUILD_PATH/xxxx/xxxx iOS/temp20230217-6499-77chsl" "/BUILD_PATH/xxxx/.build/last/xxxxios" ios Uploading IPA to Appstore Connect... [error] *** Error: Error uploading '/BUILD_PATH/xxxx/.build/last/xxxxios/xxxx.ipa'. [error] *** Error: Unable to upload archive. Failed to authenticate for session: ( [error]     "Error Domain=ITunesConnectionAuthenticationErrorDomain Code=-24169 "Error Description not available" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Error Description not available, NSLocalizedDescription=Error Description not available, NSLocalizedFailureReason=App Store operation failed.}" ) (-1011)

This issue seems to be resolved, but it is not clear where it originated.

Error -24169 returned by authserver when using altool