Developer account Invoice

I have a developer account. I have received by email an invoice receipt and I would like to download it as pdf file but I can't find where exactly in my account there are all the invoices. Can somebody tell me where can I find the invoices and download them?

I have two main Apple IDs because Apple forced me to create several. My receipt for the developer dues are not in any of them. Why on earth Apple thought it was cool to only let you see the last 90 days on the web interface and force you to go to a mobile device to dig farther back is a mystery.

OMG that was hard. The "From" is your_order_US[@]orders[.]apple[.]com and will contain the text "Apple Developer Program - Membership for one year". (sorry, you have to remove the brackets because Apple won't let me post their own e-mail address here 😡)

The purchase does not show up in the purchase history for 2022, 2021, or 2020 on the mobile device (the only way you can view purchase history).

A major web retailer not being able to provide you with online receipt history... Ahem, Amazon?

Invoice Link is ONLY VISIBLE IN SAFARI browser.

Hope this helps someone in the future.

Please, just make the invoices appear in Apple Store Connect and attach them to the order confirmation. Can't be so difficult to have more transparency!

This is where you can find a history of developer account purchases

Developer account Invoice