Xcode Cloud / Crashlytics no longer processing dSYMs

After creating a new build and release with XCode Cloud, uploading a zip of the dSYMs to Firebase Crashlytics no longer gets processed. Despite uploading several times I'm still seeing errors like:

This app has 15 unprocessed crashes. Upload 1 dSYM file to process them.

Has something changed in the last 2-4 weeks in this process that I'm unaware of? TIA

We are seeing this too in our CI pipelines as well. As of Xcode 14, when uploading to iTC, no Apple generated dSYMS are being generated for download. We found that uploading the dSYM generated locally directly to Firebase was the way forward. As for Firebase not being able to process what you give it is odd. As long as the Bundle ID and MARKETING_VERSION are in sync, there should be no reason the mapping can't occur.

I'd reach out Google directly and ask them whats up. I've found their turnaround and quality of support to be pretty good wrt Firebase.

If you take a look at the artifacts created after a successful build, there would be a crash log created with the latest macOS version. Upon opening it, the upload symbols functionality has a crash, which in turn causes the issue of not pushing the dsym.

I too was facing this while using XCode cloud with macOS Version 14. Try downgrading macOS version to 13. This worked for me.

With macOS version 13 I still get the crash log file but this time its different but crashlytics works as expected.

Xcode Cloud / Crashlytics no longer processing dSYMs