Transaction fails with ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3504 in production

Suddenly in-app purchases of already productive IAPs are failing in the production with the error code:

NSUnderlyingError=0x283b42e20 {Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3504 "找不到此项目。" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=找不到此项目。}}} 

Environment: Production

OS Version:iOS 15.6.1

I confirm that there have been no prohibited sales areas for the product

I want to know

  1. What does Code 3504 represent?
  2. Where can I find documentation related to error codes?

I have submitted a Feedback ticket. Ticket number: FB12102284. We are currently unable to reproduce the issue, so we are unable to provide the iOS Sysdiagnose file

We have added buried point statistics for this issue in versions 4.76.1 and above.

Between April 29th and May 3rd, a total of 2704 errors occurred, affecting 407 devices.

We randomly checked several users and confirmed that their problem symptoms were the same as before. After a 3504 error message appears, they will be unable to make payment no matter how they try again.

How can we solve this problem?

I'm seeing this error too, but only when submitting my game for review.

I can make purchases on my locally deployed game and when I install the latest game from TestFlight. But my game was rejected by the Apple review process because of this error. They included a screenshot showing the error. It's the same version of the game so it seems like something in the Apple test/production environment that I can't replicate locally.

I successfully purchased an IAP on two devices :

iPhone 8 Plus (iOS 16.4.1 )

iPad (iOS 15.7.5)

I'm using Unity with Voxel Busters Essential Kit to handle the IAP integration.

I had the same problem. Did you find the solution?

I can see the following errors reported in Bugsnag, the app is waiting for the review (there are no new products added):

  "NSLocalizedDescription": "An unknown error occurred",
  "NSUnderlyingError": "Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3506 \"Missing application adam id or bundle id.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Missing application adam id or bundle id.}"

"NSLocalizedDescription": "An unknown error occurred",
  "NSUnderlyingError": "Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3504 \"This item cannot be found.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=This item cannot be found.}"

Same problem, our app encounters this error every day. I contacted Apple TSI after double checking that the IAP item listing status and region were okay, and even though I had explained that the problem was occasional, the developer wanted me to reproduce and upload the logs, which was a terrible experience.

Apple should at least tell the developer the probable cause of the error instead of robotically asking for the logs to be uploaded!

A year has passed, yet this issue persists. Daily, thousands of users report issues with purchasing products. Is no one addressing this?

It still makes a problem. [Enviroment: Sandbox]


We also have tens of thousands of cases every day

Transaction fails with ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3504 in production