Muted Video play: NotAllowedError - ignoring setting "Allow All Auto-Play"


Safari Desktop: Version 16.4 (18615.

EDIT: This is related to the Macbooks "Low Power Mode" being set to "Only on Battery" and the power adapter not being connected. My battery is at 41%.

The programatic playing of videos gets blocked even though the browser settings specifically should allow all video plays.

The video is muted.

Once I click anywhere inside the body the play no longer gets blocked.

notallowederror: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission

The behaviour is the same when I select the default option "Stop Media with Audio".

I was not able to see this behaviour in previous Safari versions. On iOS this issue is not present.

Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? This seems to be a bug?

Thank you

Happens to me too! i stumbled upon this when trying to autplay a video in threejs, i get the same error but if i add a user interaction to paly the video it goes away :/

Muted Video play: NotAllowedError - ignoring setting "Allow All Auto-Play"