TestFlight Unavailable

Hello everyone,

I am no longer to access all of my TestFlight betas. I tried contacting Apple Support but they have not helped me with the situation. This message only started occurring a few days ago.

I am running iOS 16.4.1


TestFlight Unavailable Device vendor ID is missing or not available. Try again.

Steps taken: -Deleted and re-installed Testflight App -Restarted iPhone 13 Pro Max

Screenshot at imgur link below


Any help would be appreciated to get TestFlight back up and running

Thank-you, Shawn Osborne

I have this same issue on iOS 16.5 Public Beta. iPhone 14 Pro

I have same problem. Happened after last update of TestFlight app

Same here.

iPhone 12 Pro Max iOS 16.4.1

iPhone 13 Pro Max 16.1.2

Same here… happened after updating TestFlight to the latest version.

@Shawzborne, who did you speak with @ Apple and what did they say?

Has anyone else reached out? Judging by the relative lack of mentions online, doesn't seem widespread...

According to the coinciding console logs, it seems it may be some sort of authentication bug:

error	03:28:57.510123+0300	TestFlight	AMSAbsinthe: [3822C21C] No bag provided. Defaulting to skipping Absinthe signing.
error	03:28:58.114276+0300	TestFlight	RP(0x282845a60) URL=https://testflight.apple.com/v1/session/authenticate; code=400; Headers={
    Connection = close;
    "Content-Length" = 169;
    "Content-Type" = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
    Date = "Sat, 22 Apr 2023 00:28:58 GMT";
    Server = "daiquiri/3.0.0";
    "Set-Cookie" = "dc=mr;Version=1;Domain=.itunes.apple.com;Path=/;Max-Age=86400";
    "Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload";
    "X-Apple-Jingle-Correlation-Key" = OUO35BHL6WPDECX6AWAY7S5KRE;
    "X-Content-Security-Policy" = "script-src 'self' *.apple.com";
    "X-Content-Type-Options" = nosniff;
    "X-XSS-Protection" = "1; mode=block";
    "x-daiquiri-instance" = "daiquiri:15751003:mr36p00it-hyhk06054801:7987:23RELEASE49:daiquiri-amp-dsce-asc-int-002-mr, daiquiri:18493001:mr85p00it-hyhk03154801:7987:23RELEASE49:daiquiri-amp-all-shared-ext-001-mr";
    "x-frame-options" = DENY;
error	03:28:58.116508+0300	TestFlight	Authentication failed: Device vendor ID is missing or not available. Try again.
error	03:28:58.200037+0300	TestFlight	tcp_input [C4.1.1:3] flags=[R] seq=2699034455, ack=0, win=0 state=LAST_ACK rcv_nxt=2699034455, snd_una=3121551701

I have no idea what AMSAbsinthe is...

If the issue persists I'll contact Apple as well.

Having same issue since last update (2 weeks since this reply). IOS 16.1.2, IPhone 12 Pro Max

I have been the same issue for now more than 2 weeks and not able to test anything on TestFlight impacting my work. It happened from the last but one upgrade of iOS and my current version is 16.4.1 (latest). My phone model is iPhone 13.

Same problem, iPhone12 ios16.4.1

I have the same issue. I believe it started after the last apple update. I'm on ios 16.4 beta

I'm having the exact same issue.

Same problem here in Germany with my iPhone 12Pro Max. Updating to iOS 16.5 didn't help either.

Anyone figure this out, I get a similar error: @Apple as well @leeron

Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(libusrtcp.dylib)[13660] <Error>: tcp_output [C17.1.1:4] flags=[R.] seq=1279848721, ack=2995965602, win=2047 state=CLOSED rcv_nxt=2995965602, snd_una=1279848697 Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: RP(0x2805420c0) URL=https://testflight.apple.com/v2/accounts/8f5d9d76-6e3e-411a-84b9-6fb853821157/apps/6458789872/builds/120309384/install; code=404; Headers={ Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: Connection = close; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "Content-Length" = 134; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: Date = "Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:16:18 GMT"; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: Server = "daiquiri/3.0.0"; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "Set-Cookie" = "dc=pv;Version=1;Domain=.itunes.apple.com;Path=/;Max-Age=86400"; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "X-Apple-Jingle-Correlation-Key" = 36EHV7WVGZNQ7VR22PZCURAB3Y; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "X-Content-Security-Policy" = "script-src 'self' *.apple.com"; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "X-Content-Type-Options" = nosniff; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "X-XSS-Protection" = "1; mode=block"; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "x-daiquiri-instance" = "daiquiri:35751003:pv50p00it-hyhk23193701:7987:23RELEASE116:daiquiri-amp-dsce-asc-int-002-pv, daiquiri:38493001:pv50p00it-hyhk12043901:7987:23RELEASE116:daiquiri-amp-all-shared-ext-001-pv"; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: "x-frame-options" = DENY; Aug 10 19:16:18 TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[13660] <Error>: }

TestFlight Unavailable