Webhook URL is not working in sendbox environment while renewal subscription

Hello there,

we have added url in App Store account in app information tan it is used for renewing user subscription after it is over. but at that time when user subscription is over, this url needs to be called to auto renew the user subscription but currently this url is not called by app store.

can anyone have faced this issue before or any suggestion for this issue ?


What does the Get Notification History endpoint return https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/get_notification_history?

we want to notify using web hook so we have added our server web hook link to App Store account as per apple documentation once user subscription renew or renew failed apple server should be notify to our web hook url that this scubsciption has failed but its not working so can you please check why its happening ? I am open to share our web hook URL via email so you can check accordingly