Not able to add associated domains from mdm through managed app config on iOS 15

I tried adding associated domains from mdm through managed app config I was able to add associated domains to device other than iOS 15 but associated domains not getting added for device with iOS 15. I checked on iOS 15.1 and 15.7 and getting the same error in console log for both. Below are the error from console output.

Sandbox: swcd(173) deny(1) file-read-metadata /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/
Error getting enterprise-managed associated domains data. If this device is not enterprise-managed, this is normal: Error Domain=SWCErrorDomain Code=1701 "Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework., Line=298, Function=<private>}
Not able to add associated domains from mdm through managed app config on iOS 15