Xcode 14.3: Restarting after unexpected exit, crash, or test timeout - How to debug?

My tests fail with "Restarting after unexpected exit, crash, or test timeout". This is what I have so far established:

  • Does only happen when building with xcodebuild (14.3) but not when building with Xcode (14.3)
  • Tests that are failing are in a .testTarget within a local swift package and part of a test plan together with tests that are in subprojects
  • there are no crashlogs, so likely these tests are not crashing
  • with Xcode 14.2 there are no problems whatsoever (xcodebuild or Xcode)

Any ideas on how to debug this any further?

Best Roddi

I think I found the culprit: Seems like that Xcode 14.3 does just not play nice with the iOS 14 simulators. If I try to test within Xcode but use an iOS 14 simulator it doesn't work as well. Only with even less useful logging information.

I think I found the culprit: Seems like that Xcode 14.3 does just not play nice with the iOS 14 simulators. If I try to test within Xcode but use an iOS 14 simulator it doesn't work as well. Only with even less useful logging information.

I am wondering if you were able to resolve this issue?

Xcode 14.3: Restarting after unexpected exit, crash, or test timeout - How to debug?