StoreKit2: Transaction.currentEntitlements returns expired subscriptions (Testing locally with shortened sub periods)


title says it all: I have Transaction.currentEntitlements returning expired subscriptions (testing both transaction expirationDate & RenewalState). Environment: local via .storekit file. Subscription duration is shortened for testing. Could it be the issue? The sub duration is normally 1 year.

The documentation says it should only returns active subscription (RenewalState.subscribed) or in grace period (RenewalState.inGracePeriod).

I'm having this problem too. Did you find a resolution?

I am also having this problem with Product.currentEntitlement. We will check locally against the transaction's expirationDate value. Hopefully Product.currentEntitlement will always return the transaction with the higher expiration date...

The language in the docs is maybe misleading here? Perhaps "entitled" means something other than "has access" when it comes to an auto-renewing subscription? Would be really helpful if someone from the StoreKit team could clarify.

StoreKit2: Transaction.currentEntitlements returns expired subscriptions (Testing locally with shortened sub periods)