ShieldConfigurationExtension not working

I created a ShieldConfigurationExtension in Xcode 14.3 with File > New > Target > ShieldConfigurationExtension. This created the extension with all the necessary Info.plist values (correct NSExtensionPrincipalClass, etc.), with the extension included in embedded content in the host app target.

No matter what I try, the extension is not getting invoked when I shield applications from my host app. The custom UI does not show as the shield, and looking at the debugger, an extension process is never invoked.

I am shielding categories like this:

let managedSettings = ManagedSettingsStore()


managedSettings.shield.applicationCategories = .all()

And my extension code overrides all the ShieldConfigurationDataSource functions.

class ShieldConfigurationExtension: ShieldConfigurationDataSource {
    override func configuration(shielding application: Application) -> ShieldConfiguration {
        return ShieldConfiguration(
            backgroundBlurStyle: UIBlurEffect.Style.systemThickMaterial,
            backgroundColor: UIColor.white,
            icon: UIImage(systemName: "stopwatch"),
            title: ShieldConfiguration.Label(text: "You are in a Present Session", color: .yellow)
    override func configuration(shielding application: Application, in category: ActivityCategory) -> ShieldConfiguration {
        return ShieldConfiguration(
            backgroundBlurStyle: UIBlurEffect.Style.systemThickMaterial,
            backgroundColor: UIColor.white,
            icon: UIImage(systemName: "stopwatch"),
            title: ShieldConfiguration.Label(text: "You are in a Present Session", color: .yellow)
    override func configuration(shielding webDomain: WebDomain) -> ShieldConfiguration {
        return ShieldConfiguration(
            backgroundBlurStyle: UIBlurEffect.Style.systemThickMaterial,
            backgroundColor: UIColor.white,
            icon: UIImage(systemName: "stopwatch"),
            title: ShieldConfiguration.Label(text: "You are in a Present Session", color: .yellow)
    override func configuration(shielding webDomain: WebDomain, in category: ActivityCategory) -> ShieldConfiguration {
        return ShieldConfiguration(
            backgroundBlurStyle: UIBlurEffect.Style.systemThickMaterial,
            backgroundColor: UIColor.white,
            icon: UIImage(systemName: "stopwatch"),
            title: ShieldConfiguration.Label(text: "You are in a Present Session", color: .yellow)

What am I missing?

Same issue for me

Hello, I also encountered the same problem. Have you resolved it now

Maybe you should first compile the 'ShieldConfigurationExtension' target first and then rerun the project target. I faced the same problem yesterday and resolved it occasionally by doing so.

Perhaps try to check your deployment version. This could happen if your iPhone iOS version is below iOS17.0, while your app targets iOS16.0 and the app extension targets the latest default version, which is iOS17.0. The extension wouldn't run because the deployment version not matched. Happens to me all the time 🙄

ShieldConfigurationExtension not working