Game Center leaderboard privacy

I have implemented a standard GKLeaderboard in my app. The leaderboard includes the player's avatar, display name, and the score.

I only use functionality provided by GameKit without any custom server functionality. I don't even have an own server.

Still, my app got rejected with the following notice:

We noticed that your app does not obtain the user's consent prior to uploading users' scores to a global leaderboard. To collect personal data with your app, you must make it clear to the user that their personal data will be uploaded to your server.

What should I do here? Do I really have to obtain user's consent before uploading his score to Game Center?

Just got rejected twice for this and I'm in the same situation. The reviewer copy-pasted lines from the guidelines that tell us to put a Privacy URL in the App Information page in App Store Connect. But the is no such thing as Privacy URL in the App Information page. It's in the App Privacy page and we have a privacy URL there. This is confusing and frustrating because we have to wait ~24h after each rejection. I have a feeling that it's some kid from China doing the review.

Just got rejected twice for this and I'm in the same situation (I use GameKit and I don't have use my own server). The reviewer copy-pasted lines from the guidelines that tell us to put a Privacy URL in the App Information page in App Store Connect. But there is no such thing as Privacy URL in the App Information page. It's in the App Privacy page and we have a privacy URL there. This is confusing and frustrating because we have to wait ~24h after each rejection. I have a feeling that it's some kid from China doing the review.

Game Center leaderboard privacy