How to delete 'Disk not ejected properly'

My external drives keep connecting and disconnecting to my Macbook Pro. It does this automatically and unless I turn off the computer or disconnect the drives, it just keeps doing it. If I forget to turn OFF the computer, when I wake it up, I have HUNDREDS of these messages and I have to delete them one at a time. It takes about 10-15 mins to delete each.

I've tried everything to stop this but nothing works. Is there at least an easy way to delete every one of these messages without having to do each, individually?

I have just about lost all faith in Apple because of this. You'd think they could fix this in an update, but just keeps doing it.

I'm about to go back to (ugh!) Windows.

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I have noticed this behaviour recently after upgrading to macOS 13.4, where external drives are disconnected due to the Thunderbolt ports going to sleep when the laptop goes to sleep for an extended period. The option to not turn off hard drives seems to only apply to internal drives/SSD and not externally attached drives. You might needs to file a bug via the feedback app.

I too have been experiencing this extremely frustrating notification. I have a Gdrive hdd connected to my computer via usb3 into my screen which acts as a hub via usb c into my m1 MBP.

I found this very helpful Terminal prompt to clear all this notifications in one fowl swoop using Terminal. Open the terminal app and type in " killall NotificationCenter" and press enter. Clears all of the notifications for me.

Originally found here:

"I started killing processes with "Notification" in their name, and when I hit the one called "NotificationCenter" the smoke finally cleared:

killall NotificationCenter"

How to delete 'Disk not ejected properly'