xcode 15 beta

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Click download again and you will start downloading Xcode_15_beta.xip Extract the Simulator dmg and copy it to target directory, like /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Library

Copy runtimes from the .dmg file and paste at the below path.

The download site is also busted for me, it's not serving the Xcode 15 download but instead downloading that manifest file.

In the developer console in my browser I see a couple of URLs printed, including: https://download.developer.apple.com/Developer_Tools/Xcode_15_beta/Xcode_15_beta.xip

If you put that URL in the browser it will start the download

When I try to drag the /Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.0 simruntime, I get the following error:

When I've tried running simple code (you can see in the image) accessing a TextField, when I tap in the text fields, the errors shown in the Debug Pane appear. This code works fine on the release version of Xcode. Any ideas what I should do? I've tried throwing Xcode beta into the trash, restarting the computer & reinstalling, both using the Xcodes.app & Apple's site (I used Apple's beta downloads page first). No luck. I'm using an M1 MacBook Pro & Ventura 13.4.

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I tried to leave the runtimes in the download folder and Xcode is not picking up the runtime. I'm seeing this when clicking on "Run" trying to run the project in the simulator. I have even tried the other methods within this posting and nothing is working. When trying the method of copying the runtime folder as suggested by SamirBagariya, I do not get this message but the simulator never loads the app to the simulator.

  • Disregard, I actually went into Xcode settings and removed the iOS 17 Beta from platforms and then reinstalled it. I'm no longer getting the message about missing runtime.

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i was able to move /Runtimes/iOS 17.0 simruntime to the folder of Xcode Beta, but under Xcode > Settings > Platforms this then shows up as the built-in Platform, which shows up as incompatible on my end. Instead, use the option to GET the iOS 17.0 beta in Xcode > Settings > Platforms directly (and for that matter, watchOS 10.0 beta and tvOS 17.0 beta)