Xcode 15 Overheating M2

When using Xcode's Preview or Simulator, I noticed that my M2 Air will overheat. This hasn't happened before in Ventura or Xcode 14.

Same experience on my M2 Max

Me too. MacBook Air, M1.

Using a Simulator running iOS 16.4, seems to fix the issue on my MacBook Air M1.

Still experiencing the overheat issue on m2 Air with the Xcode 15 Appstore release.

Are they not testing it before release? It's nuts. Now I need to downgrade my whole OS because of course Xcode 14 doesn't even work on Sonoma

Same issue here, Macbook Pro M2 Pro

Same issue here, Macbook Pro M2 Pro 16 inch

Experiencing the same. Macbook Air M1

Same issue Air M2

Same issue with my MacBook Air M1, it was fine with Mac OS Ventura and Xcode 15, but as soon I upgraded to Mac OS Sonomai started facing the issue. The system is pretty much unusable as soon I launch the simulator, using an Android emulator for now until they fix this in the next update. If anyone knows any fix please mention.

Same for me

Same here. MacBook Air M1.

Same on my new M2 Macbook Air 13". The bottom middle of the laptop gets very hot and the battery starts draining very quickly.

When will Apple release a fix for this issue.?? The only workaround is to change the simulator to iOS 16.4. Even after that for the first few seconds of running the simulator weird activities shoot the CPU up in Activity manager...

Same problem here. MacBook Air M2 16 GB. There's a significant difference in RAM pressure emulating iOS 17 too, compared to 16.4.

Same issue here, Macbook Pro M2. macOS: Sonoma

Same issue Here My macbook Pr M2 become heater after sonoma and Xcode 15.

Same issue for MacBook Pro 16gb Sonoma with Xcode 15 installed. Please fix. Working on senior design project.

Sonoma, with Xcode 15 and iOS 16.4 was indeed helping but Xcode won't let me delete iOS 17 images to save disk space. Because if I do, then it says get iOS 17.0 and doesn't let me use iOS 16.4 emulator runtime image until I download the iOS 17.0 runtime image again wasting my disk space.

Also found that UITextView causes major memory leak(for 8MB text input pasted from clipboard, eats up 8GB RAM on SIM and OOME on device (3GB RAM limit per app)) when font is set to custom scaled font. This is not reproducible on iOS 16.4 Sim, but is reproducible on my iPhone 14 pro (17.0.3) and Sim (17.0.1) which I had to install to test this particular issue.

Already wasted 2 days on this thinking it is some memory leak in my implementation or my app, but found out that UITextView From UIKit itself is implemented badly such that it eats up RAM just like that. Had to create a minimal reproducible example to isolate that root cause is indeed in UIKit.

If at all Apple is listening, Please don't release untested SW, because your SW is the foundation for us devs to rely on and not go behind the rabbit hole of framework issues.

My M2 MacBook Air 16GB also overheats when Preview is showing in Xcode. Additionally, selecting a View element in the code does not update the Inspector.

exactly the same for me: battery dropping way to fast, overheating problem (M2 Pro Macbook 14.2")

Same here!! I am facing this issue as well with my M2 Pro Macbook Pro 14'. My laptop heats us and the battery reduces at a rapid rate!

Same here! M1

Still no fix for this?

The same is happening on my Macbook air M1, and as mentioned, it didn't happen before on macOS Ventura or XCode 14

Xcode 15 Overheating M2