Static method 'list' requires that 'Transaction' conform to 'Model'

I'm trying to use a grapghQL API to query a list of data and return an array of that data. From that array, I will pick one random value to use. The code looks as follows:

func queryLyrics() { var lyricArray : [Lyric] = [] Task { do { let result = try await Amplify.API.query(request: .list(Transaction.self))

                switch result {
                case .success(let lyricsData):
                    print("Successfully retrieved list of Lyrics")

                    // convert an array of LyricData to an array of Lyric class instances
                    //an array of LyricData to get one Lyric class instance
for n in lyricsData {
                        let lyric1 = Lyric.init(from: n)
                    let goodLyric = lyricArray.randomElement()

                case .failure(let error):
                    print("Can not retrieve result : error  \(error.errorDescription)")
            } catch {
                print("Can not retrieve Notes : error \(error)")

However, the .list function provides the error: Static method 'list(_:where:includes:limit:)' requires that 'Transaction' conform to 'Model'. Im wondering why this is? and how can I fix this?