Cannot preview in Xcode 15 Beta

I am not able to present the preview of xcode 15,

I am having the error message "Cannot preview in this file" "Syntax error" but I have no error in xcode.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of vitorscheffer Down vote post of vitorscheffer



Sorry to hear you are having problems getting previews working. It is a known issue that currently using the #Preview macro does not allow building in projects with a deployment target < 17.0 or running on a device running a version of iOS < 17.0, and the presence of an @available attribute on the macro causes the kind of syntax error you are seeing. For now you will have to use #Preview only in projects that have a deployment target of the current beta releases, or revert to using a PreviewProvider.

  • Is this something that can be fixed in a future Xcode beta release, or will we have to install the latest MacOS beta? PreviewProvider produces a separate error 'Fatal Error in SchemaProperty.swift'.

  • Sorry, I can't comment on future releases. As for the PreviewProvider issue sounds like a separate and not tracked issue. Would you mind filing a feedback and include a preview diagnostics Editor > Canvas > Diagnostics?

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This solution works, at least for me, I hope it helps.

having the same issue, hope apple will release a fix soon