On the example project SHLibrary doesn't display any previously played songs


The song detection is successful however with new APIs,

I can't find this demo working with SHLibrary, it expect to display the RecentDanceRowView.

I wonder if I missed any steps or the SHLibrary is not ready yet.

Ok I noticed "ShazamKit Known Issues SHManagedSession.State is unavailable. (109670750) SHLibrary.default.items is unavailable. (109670918) SHManagedSession doesn’t work on simulator. (109672477) Workaround: Use a physical device."

at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-release-notes/xcode-15-release-notes

I would suggest apple to put this on the documentation of ShazamKit, I spend a entire day to figure out what is going on... :)

@Ruizhe This has been resolved in the latest Beta. Please let us know if you still see any issues or you need any help. The demo app has also been updated to reflect these fixes.

When i call SHLibrary.default.items it always return a empty list. My iOS System Version 21A5326a and My Xcode Version is 15.0 beta 8 (15A5229m) @Frameworks Engineer

On the example project SHLibrary doesn't display any previously played songs