Publish to TestFlight using Xcode cloud using a different bundleID

Hi there,

I've configured my project to use Xcode Cloud. I have a single target with 3 build configurations - Debug, TestFlight, and Release. Through xcconfigs, I configure their build settings so that they have different bundle IDs, icons, and display names.

The different bundle IDs are especially important because I need them to have separate apps for each build config in my 3rd party crash reporting tool - so that crashes show up separately for each.

When I select a product for a new workflow, the only product bundle ID that shows is for my release build. Even though I set the archive action to build the TestFlight scheme which has the different bundle ID, the Release bundle ID is chosen.

How do I deploy to TestFlight using Xcode cloud and use a different bundleID?

Publish to TestFlight using Xcode cloud using a different bundleID