Universal links not working only during App Review

Hi, I am running into a strange issue where my universal links work fine on devices when using USB, simulators and TestFlight, it works with no problem on all test environments

But once I submit it for App Review, they don't work. And I have no way to replicate it. At some point they get it working somehow but every resubmission the process repeats where I go back and forth for days until they finally get it working.

Anyone run into this strange issue or has a clue what might be going on?

Verify applecdn is available。 curl -v https://app-site-association.cdn-apple.com/a/v1/YourDomain

eg. fail request

curl -v https://app-site-association.cdn-apple.com/a/v1/www.123.com

*   Trying

* Connected to app-site-association.cdn-apple.com ( port 443 (#0)

* schannel: disabled automatic use of client certificate

* ALPN: offers http/1.1

* ALPN: server accepted http/1.1

* using HTTP/1.1

> GET /a/v1/www.123.com HTTP/1.1

> Host: app-site-association.cdn-apple.com

> User-Agent: curl/8.0.1

> Accept: */*


* schannel: remote party requests renegotiation

* schannel: renegotiating SSL/TLS connection

* schannel: SSL/TLS connection renegotiated

* schannel: remote party requests renegotiation

* schannel: renegotiating SSL/TLS connection

* schannel: SSL/TLS connection renegotiated

< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

< Content-Length: 10

< Connection: keep-alive

< Server: nginx

< Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2023 07:50:28 GMT

< Expires: Mon, 03 Jul 2023 07:50:38 GMT

< Age: 2774

< Apple-Failure-Details: {"cause":"dial tcp: lookup www.123.com on no such host"}

< Apple-Failure-Reason: SWCERR00304 DNS error

< Apple-From: https://www.123.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association

< Apple-Try-Direct: true

< Via: http/1.1 jptyo5-vp-vst-010.ts.apple.com (acdn/87.14301), https/1.1 jptyo5-vp-vfe-008.ts.apple.com (acdn/87.14301)


< CDNUUID: 6a2ef8f4-e479-4204-8d60-7407afe5597a-2780390327

< x-link-via: bjfd01:443;xymp07:443;gzun11:443;xg02:443;

< x-b2f-cs-cache: no-cache

< X-Cache-Status: MISS from KS-CLOUD-XG-02-08

< X-Cache-Status: MISS from KS-CLOUD-GZ-UN-11-09

< X-Cache-Status: MISS from KS-CLOUD-XY-MP-07-08

< X-Cache-Status: MISS from KS-CLOUD-BJ-FD-01-11

< CDN-Server: KSFTF

< X-KSC-Request-ID: 5f040404d3ae915ce539ef3ae0c5840d

< X-Cdn-Request-ID: 5f040404d3ae915ce539ef3ae0c5840d


Not Found

* Connection #0 to host app-site-association.cdn-apple.com left intact

< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found this is origin domain error you need check your domain

curl -v https://YourDomain/apple-app-site-association --header 'User-Agent: AASA-Bot/1.0.0'

AASA-Bot is apple cdn header. If successful, the correct result is returned to you


}* Connection #0 to host xxxx left intact

There is no problem with the cdn nor the apple-app-site-association file. As I pointed out it works flawlessly with USB, simulator or TestFlight. Only the app reviewer has a problem and after they try a few times it just magically starts working

@Dmib did you find a solution to this? I'm experiencing literally the same issue and haven't gotten version 1.0.1 into the app store (while 1.0 worked fine)...

We have the same issue, and it's very annoying.

We rely on Universal Links for login (for secure callback from ASWebAuthenticationSession to the app), so App Review definitely stumble upon that issue during review.

We never get any user tickets about it and it never occurs during our own testing, but it happens pretty often during App Review.

So far, luckily, we have explained the situation to App Review, they try again, and it works. But it feels very fragile; there must be something with the App Review install process which is not reliably registering Universal Links.

I came up with instructions that I shared with the review team that worked (once, idk if it'll work again). Here it is:


[I've referenced this thread mentioning it doesn't just happen to us.]

Another possibility is that during review, you've dismissed the modal asking to open the link in the app or visited the website before installing and running the app? In that case, perhaps Safari takes priority.
I'd like to ask you to clear any caches of our web app at https://[connected-web-app-url], delete the app and then install the app fresh and try again to login.
As we have no way to reproduce the issue you're seeing, we don't know how we should fix it other than trying again.
So please, respecting my points above, try again to login, and when you do so, try to login a few times.

Additionally, what might help is if you could tap and hold on the link and then select "Open in [app name]".
!!! Make sure to disable the preview first though, because otherwise the app will open but you won't be logged in (because the preview already loaded the web app and used the login link which is expired thereafter).
If you did have the preview enabled and thus didn't get logged in, disable it and request another login email. Tap and hold again, select "Open in [app name]".


Also, I've attached the following screenshot (redacted my name).

Feel free to copy/paste that and see if it helps.

I finally got it working after days of luck trying. Basically you need to toggle to Release Mode, and then try to re-add your associated domains. By then, you should have generated a new file called AppRelease.entitlements, if so, you can upload to test flight again, it shall work both in test flight and production. Good Luck !!!

Universal links not working only during App Review