Subscription price and duration from server


Let's say I have configured in-app purchase subscription product configured.

I have a server where I'm listening for App Store Server Notifications v2 ( I'm able to decode payload and transaction information.

Now I want to get information about

  • how much customer paid for this product.
  • how long this subscription lasts for.

How I can achieve that from server?

I see that there is subscriptionGroupIdentifier & offerIdentifier & storefrontId in response that I could potentially use to search for it, but I could not find any API that could help me from server side. Is it possible only from mobile?

App Store Server API doesn't really helps me

Regards, DL



You can use the App Store Connect API to retrieve this.

But it would be easier to have this kind of information within the notification, I am agree with you.

Regards, LF