Presenting immersive content in UIKit app

I have a UIKit app and would like to provide spacial experience when run on VisionOS.

I added VisionOS support, but not sure how to present an immersive view. All tutorials are in SwiftUI, but my app is in UIKit.

This is an example from a SwiftUI project, but how how do I declare this ImmersiveView in UIKit?

struct VirtualApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
        ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpace") {

and in UIKit how do I make the call to open the ImmersiveView?

Accepted Answer

@fullmoon14 , as @mikebernardo2000 pointed out, that video will help. For anyone following along, refer to Outside: RealityKit at 21:51 of Meet UIKit for spatial computing. This describes how to use RealityView within UIHostingController to host the RealityKit SwiftUI views within your UIKit app

I’ve stuck with the same problem.

As an update to this, you cannot present an ImmersiveSpace from a UIKit app, you can only host some SwiftUI views as I mentioned above (that the video shows).

Presenting immersive content in UIKit app