IOS 16 Issues: Apple's Restrictive Customization Options May Push Users Toward Android

I recently upgraded to iOS 16, after having used iOS 15 for what seems like forever. I must say, it has its pros and cons, but you can't really change the style of your notifications anymore.

I seriously can't take it anymore, with Apple not allowing its users to adjust the phone to their preferences. If I want my notifications to show up from top to bottom, then they should let me do it. It's NOT the decision of your designers. Issues like this are slowly pushing me to consider switching to an Android

Bye Bye

Ok, I'll bite. The average US Smartphone user will spend approximately $41 / year on apps. They are also likely to accumulate a library of said apps, in addition to user data that may not be transferable between platforms. A user changing from one platform to another involves accepting a monetary loss of those previous purchases, and perhaps the further expense of purchasing a comparable app.

Do you really contend that users are going to throw away hundreds of dollars of purchases, and potentially their data, over the style and presentation of Notification Center?

IOS 16 Issues: Apple's Restrictive Customization Options May Push Users Toward Android