Fix for "Apple ID Verification Failed" after iOS 17 v3 Beta Update

After installing the latest iOS 17 v3 update on my iPhone 12 Pro, the setup assistant appeared. I chose my Wi-Fi network and then an error appears that "Verification Failed: There was a problem connecting to the server." It then just stays on that screen.

I was about to DFU restore my device - as removing Find my iPhone, trying on Cellular, and restarting didn't work. But luckily, I had Siri enabled!

The FIX: Use Siri (holding down the power button for 1 second) from the post-update intro screen and ask it turn on AirPlane Mode. Once Airplane Mode was on, it let me skip the connect to Wifi section and I was in - as cellular was also disabled!

No DFU needed!

This was very useful to me, I was totally blocked on this step even after restarting multiple times and trying all the possible options.

I didn't have Siri enabled, or at least it was not answering my "Hey Siri" or "Siri" call. Also when I pressed the power button from 1 sec it was not showing the Siri animation icon, but instead a menu to choose the options: Emergency call, Mobility Settings, Shutdown, and no Siri. Fortunately I spot that the yellow dot on top right was on meaning that Siri was listening. And it did!

So even with Siri not showing up, the power button still works with enabling Siri and the AirPlane mode can be activated.


Worked great for me. Thank you.

I had to activate Siri from Accessibility, Assistive Touch. Thank you very much Scott, I was able to get my iPhone back

Oh my gosh this worked you are a life saver

You Sir are a true lifesaver. THANK YOU.

You also saved my live good sir

Awesome! It happened again on my Beta 3 Update. 😂

is there any other fix? i cant activate siri off my lock screen as Ive turned that off from the settings long time ago.

@Echalotte How were you able to do it? seems like I don't see an option to activate siri even after this

Yes! This worked for me too. I've been using the developer beta for weeks with no problem, then idly clicked the accept button for the public beta yesterday evening. Repeating loop then began. I immediately booked an appointment at the Apple store down the road for later today and searched for solutions. Just searched again and found your answer and it worked. Thanks so much.

Saved my "life" thanks!

I was not able to activate Siri on my iPad on this screen. However, upon every restart, the iPad asked which WiFi to join. You can just hit continue without joining any WiFi. This will skip the activation step.

If the device auto-joins a WiFi, you can tap the Lock-button, which makes a menu appear. From there you can choose WiFi settings. You can hit the info button on the WiFi the device joined and hit Forget this Network.

i have the same problem. it appeared with developer iOS 17 beta 2 and since when I update to the next beta (3) and now public beta I still get the error that it can't get any connection to the Apple server. after a couple of restarts it worked with the beta 3 and now im trying to get through in public beta.

I can turn off the wifi with Siri but that doesn't solve the problem; I tried also outside of a wifi network (which the last time worked) but now its time to restart and restart again and hope it works or does anyone have another solution?

I wonder that apple haven't fixed the problem yet

Had the same problem here.

If you can't put your iPhone on Airplane Mode you can remove your SIM card and change wifi SSID. Worked as a charm.


I tried all options not able to get siri enabled and I have esim hence not able to disable network. hence none of the options work for me

You are a lifesaver bro thank you very much.

Encountered this on iOS 17.0 (21A5303d)

For me I couldn't invoke Siri while selecting the Wifi.

But power button allowed me to gain access to wifi settings, I entered a manual false ip to the wifi settings, this disabled internet access and I got pass the "Updating Apple ID Settings" stuck.


You still should be able to turn on airplane mode via SIRI even with an eSIM. You may have to use accessibility features to navigate to Siri. This is still happening after every beta update for me.

Thanks for the help! I do not have Siri set to listen, so I had to remove my SIM card, and then select no wifi network. After that it worked like a charm!

Had the same issue. Disregard all the Siri stuff above.

For iPhone

  1. Remove SIM card
  2. Turn off your router
  3. Reboot phone (Vol up (release) press vol down (release) and hold down the power button until screen goes black (release power)

If you cannot turn off your router, just move out of its range so the phone can't connect to WiFi.

Once on the home screen, just connect Wifi again and put sim card in again.

Glad I wasn't using eSIM!

Funny thing - I guess rebooting it and placing it inside a microwave oven TURNED OFF could also do the trick.

Previous poster @odin may have been joking but the microwave actually did the trick.

Tried listening to others, but with Siri disabled and no assistive touch to re-enable it I couldn't turn on airplane mode.

iPhone 14 Pro Max so SIM card to remove (eSIM)

Tried suspending service to my phone number via carrier's website but it would still receive cell signal, therefore stuck

So here's what I did:

  • Unplugged my WiFi
  • Unplugged my microwave
  • Put phone in microwave during boot
  • Shut microwave door
  • Phone starts with no service
  • Crack open microwave door just enough to tap through setup process (phone does receive some cell signal here)
  • Re-close door and signal drops to SOS, verification fails and I am prompted the iOS TOS.
  • Phone unlocks!

As ridiculous as it sounds, it sure as hell beats doing an entire restore.

Hope this helps someone work through this. Could build a faraday cage or go into a deep underground parking garage if you don't have a microwave.


Just had this problem with iOS 17 beta 7 … followed the later instructions to remove my SIM card and then quickly get past the wifi choice before it connected with my WiFi network. there was a dialog about needing to use wifi to continue, but i got past it. all good, because i didn't / don't have Siri set up.

I would add to the solution to forget any saved wifi passwords and networks on your iPhone prior to applying the iOS update. This allows you to skip or just press continue without selecting a wifi network.

I had this issue from the start of the iOS 17 beta on iPhone 12 Pro Max. I suspect this happens on other models, and yes asking Siri to turn airplane mode was the way to get past the Apple ID verification issue. If you have your data backed up on iCloud, just restore your phone on your Mac.

Fix for "Apple ID Verification Failed" after iOS 17 v3 Beta Update