TestFlight > Internal Testing > "Resend invite" to testers does not work


I want to resend invite to internal testers in TestFlight because they haven't accepted the invitation.

Unfortunately, when I click on the "Resend invite", a prompt is displayed asking me to confirm that I "want to resend this invite". The "Cancel" button of this prompt is working and unshow this confirmation. The "Resend" button seems to do not work. Nothing happens when we click on this button. Especially internal testers does not receive any invitation.

I've already tried all of the following actions on Chrome and Safari :

  • remove the tester from the group and reinvite him
  • remove the entire group and reinvite all the testers
  • create a new group

Could you help me ?

I am experiencing the same issue.

Can confirm the same behavior on Chrome v114.0.5735.133: for a tester invited back in June, tapping "Resend" button on the "Are you sure you want to resend this invite?" overlay does nothing. Removing this tester from the group and adding back again does not update the invitation date and don't send a new invitation email.

It seems solved now. thx

TestFlight > Internal Testing > "Resend invite" to testers does not work