Showing Recent Issues ~/UnityFramework/UnityFramework.h:1:

Issue while building the code, I have exported the code from unity correctly. Where as the issue occurs.

Thanks in advance

Showing Recent Issues /Users/bashaameen/Downloads/mcl_ios_/UnityFramework/UnityFramework.h:1:9: While building module 'UIKit' imported from /Users/bashaameen/Downloads/mcl_ios_/UnityFramework/UnityFramework.h:1:

/Applications/ While building module 'Foundation' imported from /Applications/

/Applications/ While building module 'CoreFoundation' imported from /Applications/

/Users/bashaameen/Downloads/mcl_ios_/<module-includes>:1:9: In file included from <module-includes>:1:

/Applications/ In file included from /Applications/

/Users/bashaameen/Downloads/mcl_ios_/Libraries/Plugins/IOS/NativeToolkit/Locale.h:9:9: Cyclic dependency in module 'Foundation': Foundation -> CoreFoundation -> Foundation

/Applications/ Cyclic dependency in module 'Foundation': Foundation -> CoreFoundation -> CoreLocation -> Foundation

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'Foundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreGraphics'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'Foundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'Foundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'CoreFoundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'Foundation'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'Foundation'

/Users/bashaameen/Downloads/mcl_ios_/UnityFramework/UnityFramework.h:1:9: Could not build module 'UIKit'

Could not build Objective-C module 'UnityFramework'

Showing Recent Issues ~/UnityFramework/UnityFramework.h:1: