Querying HealthKit for Manually-Entered Medication

I'm trying to query HealthKit for all of users medications, including prescribed medications and user-entered medications.

Using a HKSampleQuery with type HKClinicalTypeIdentifierMedicationRecord, I'm able to fetch medications that have been prescribed by a healthcare provider (eg medications associated with clinical FHIR records):

let type = HKClinicalType(.medicationRecord)

let predicate = HKQuery.predicateForClinicalRecords(withFHIRResourceType: .medicationStatement)

let query = HKSampleQuery(sampleType: type,
                          predicate: predicate,
                          limit: kRecordLimit,
                          sortDescriptors: nil) { q, samples, error in
     // this returns only -clinical- records
     // it doesnt include manually entered meds

However, medications which I have manually entered into the Health app with a user-defined schedule and dosing do NOT appear in the results of this query.

is it possible to fetch medications which have been manually entered by the user?

I have the same issue. I've tried using the apple watch and manual input directly on the phone, and I'm seeing no reported medications.

It seems that medicationStatement is a record about when a prescription was assigned by your clinic, and NOT for medication intake.

User entered medications in Health app are not available via HealthKit APIs. Please file a feedback with details of your use case and how your app would use the data. Thanks!

Querying HealthKit for Manually-Entered Medication