Body background-color not updating visually

Hi everyone, I am having a problem that only happens in Safari that is really weird. I tried to google it but I didn't find any information regarding this so I was hoping that someone could help me here. I have a site that supports dark and light theme, and when I switch from dark to light or vise versa the background-color on the body doesn't change. I saw on the dev tools that the rgb on the computed changes but on the screen it stays with the previous color and needs a refresh to change to the correct color.

Can somebody help me?

Thank you in advance!

Sounds like a bug. Probably best to file a Feedback Assistant bug (then post the FB ID here), or you can file a bug on <>.

In both cases, please include a reproducible test case, steps to reproduce, and the version of Safari (on macOS) or the build of iOS you're testing on.

Body background-color not updating visually