Xcode Cloud Issues within certificate signing


I am attempting to use Xcode Cloud to build my application (specifically running the 'xcode archive' command); however, have been running into an issue relating to certificate signing. All the questions/documentation surrounding this issue seem to be related to local builds.

For the project, I'm using automatic signing with my org as the 'Team' without a Provisioning Profile. I have 'Apple Development' set as the 'Code Signing Identity' with 'Code Signing Style' set to 'Automatic'.

The error I'm getting: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "<TEAM_ID>" with a private key was found. (in target '<PROJECT_NAME>' from project '<PROJECT_NAME>')

Any would would be greatly appreciated.


We have the exact same issue affecting iOS and macOS workflows. Since a few days none of our builds can go through with that error in Xcode Cloud. It happened without any change in the Xcode Cloud configuration nor Project files. I tried to delete the certs to have them regenerated but no luck.

Absolutely the same issue. Have no idea how to fix that. Replying just to be notified if the solution's found and maybe to bump up the question a bit

Hi. Did anyone have any luck with this. I just started having this exact issue. Thanks.

I was able to resolve this issue by revoking all certificates that were created by Xcode Cloud and building again. You can do that here: https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/certificates/list

Xcode Cloud Issues within certificate signing