SwiftUI App shrunk on device build but not on xcode previews

I am using Xcode 15 beta 2 to work on an application and suddenly my on-device builds became vertically shrunk, with 0 changes to the UI or code or configuration. The application looks perfectly normal in Xcode preivews, but when I load the app on my device it looks like it's for the iPhone SE, when I'm running an iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Already tried:

  • Cleaning build folder
  • Deleting Derived Data
  • Restarting iPhone
  • Restarting Mac
  • Printing UIScreen.main.bounds.width and size to console
  • Display zoom on iphone is set to default

How it looks on my phone

How it looks in XCode

Both built from the exact same source code

SwiftUI App shrunk on device build but not on xcode previews